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        This article contains excerpts from news stories recently posted under   by digital networks like Zelle and Venmo. According to
        Breaking Industry News on our homepage. For links to these and other   Sen. Warren’s report, Facilitating fraud: How consumers
        full news stories, please visit  defrauded on Zelle are left high and dry by the banks that created
                                                                it, and reporting by the  Wall Street Journal, the CFPB is
                                                                preparing fresh guidance under Reg E that would put
                                                                P2P networks and participating banks on the hook for all
                                                                kinds of fraud.

                                                                CFPB, payment leaders aligned
                                                                on open banking protections

                                                                Payments analysts have been generally supportive of a
                                                                new set of open banking guidelines, published Oct. 27,
                                                                2022, by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The
                                                                CFPB proposal highlights potential risks to open banking,
                                                                particularly related to exposing personal financial data.
                                                                Chief among CFPB concerns is the notion that consumers
        Tech giant Bluefin acquires global processor TECS       deserve to access and control their financial data, including
                                                                the right "to walk  away  from companies  offering  bad
        Bluefin, a payment technology and PCI-validated encryp-  products and poor service and move towards companies
        tion and tokenization services provider, joined a growing   competing for their business with alternate or innovative
        number of technology companies that have added pay-     products and services."
        ment processing to their product and service offerings.
        Following in the footsteps of NCR Corp., which acquired   CFPB Director Rohit Chopra encouraged payments
        JetPay in October 2018, and Deluxe Corp., which added   industry  stakeholders to  participate  in  discussions  and
        First American Payment System’s omnichannel payments    rulemaking, which he indicated will drive best practices
        platform in April 2021, Bluefin acquired TECS Payment   and  prevent open  banking service providers from
        Systems, a provider of omnichannel payment solutions.   hoarding and harvesting data for their own use.

        Bluefin representatives positioned the TECS acquisition as   "The CFPB's personal financial data rights rulemaking has
        a bid to drive secure commerce acceptance, whether trans-  the potential to jumpstart competition, giving Americans
        actions are done in-person, online, or via digital wallets or   new options for financial products," he said in a statement.
        mobile apps, to ensure data privacy and security.
                                                                Strong holiday spending growth predicted
        Citing data from  Insider Intelligence and Fortune Business
        Insights, respectively, Bluefin projected the ecommerce   The consumer spending outlook is bright for the year-end
        channel alone will reach $6.169 trillion in 2023, practically   holiday shopping season. The National Retail Federation
        doubling 2019 volumes of $3.351 trillion.               is forecasting holiday retail sales growth at between 6 and
                                                                8  percent during November  and  December,  compared
        Zelle under fire                                        with the same two months of 2021.

        Zelle, the banking industry’s answer to Venmo, is under   Total spend in core retail environments will range between
        attack  from  fraudsters—and from  lawmakers.  A recent   $942.6 billion and $960.4 billion, NRF predicted in a Nov.
        report released by Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.,   3, 2022, call with analysts and reporters. The numbers
        revealed that fraud on the person-to-person payment     exclude restaurants, gasoline and auto sales.
        network is rampant and that most defrauded customers
        aren’t getting refunded by their banks.                 "This holiday season cycle is anything but typical," said
                                                                NRF Chief Economist Jack Kleinhenz. "NRF's holiday
        That would seem to violate federal law and regulations,   forecasts take a number of factors into consideration,
        said Sen. Warren, who urged the Consumer Financial      but the overall outlook is generally positive as consumer
        Protection Bureau to beef-up its fraud rules. P2P payment   fundamentals continue to support economic activity."
        networks have been growing aggressively since the start
        of the pandemic, as consumers shun ATMs and replace     The NRF's predictions are in line with findings of a
        cash and checks with digital transfers, like Zelle. In 2021,   consumer survey by the International Council of Shopping
        Zelle  saw  1.8  billion  transactions totaling  $490  billion,   Centers. When core retail and restaurant spending are
        which was double pre-pandemic volume.                   combined, total anticipated spending for the holiday
                                                                season will reach $1.56 trillion, the ICSC reported.
        The CFPB oversees compliance with Regulation E (the
        federal rule set governing retail electronic funds transfers)

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