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          DivideBuy stated, noting DivideBuy's merchants will     Fortis acquires Payment Logistics
          be able to refer partners to DivideBuy and benefit from
          en-masse instant onboarding, which will enable them     Fortis, an embedded payments provider, expanded its
          to offer POS finance solutions to wider customer bases.  suite of technology solutions by acquiring Payment
                                                                  Logistics. Payment Logistics brings dozens of embedded
          Payroc, Local Express team up                           payments partnerships, myriad cutting-edge solutions
                                                                  and a highly experienced team to the Fortis family,
          Multinational payments platform Payroc WorldAccess      Fortis noted. Payment Logistics has a large breadth of
          LLC partnered with Local Express Inc, an omnichannel    partnerships processing a significant volume of transac-
          technology provider for food and beverage retailers.    tions across thousands of businesses annually, and the
          "Our integration will support contactless, card-on-file   team has partnerships with leading developers, software
          billing, offering the ultimate flexibility for the consumer   providers and value-added resellers to overcome pay-
          and easing the workload for the business owner," said   ment integration challenges and maximize the return on
          Jared Poulson, executive vice president integrated pay-  investment in commerce solutions, Fortis added.
          ments at Payroc. "Combining the Local Express technol-
          ogy offering with the automation of collecting payments   APPOINTMENTS
          will not only save business owners money, but more
          importantly time from  improved workflow  improve-
          ments."                                                 Asaf Darash, JD Harris join Forbes Business Council

          TrueAccord joins Visa Fintech Partner Connect           Asaf Darash, CEO and founder of Regpack, a software
                                                                  company that enables organizations to create custom-
          TrueAccord Corp, a debt collection company using        izable databases to manage automated payments, was
          machine learning-powered digital recovery solutions     accepted into the Forbes Business Council, a networking
          to improve the consumer experience, joined the Visa     organization for successful business owners and leaders
          Fintech Partner Connect program. Through this pro-      worldwide. Also accepted to the council was JD Harris,
          gram, TrueAccord is Visa Ready certified, TrueAccord    chairman and CEO at  Ascent Solutions, an enterprise
          stated.  The  certification  helps  technology  companies   engaged in solving challenging cybersecurity problems.
          build and launch payment solutions that meet Visa's     Darash and Harris were vetted and selected by a review
          global standards for security and functionality, and this   committee based on the depth and diversity of their
          distinction signals that TrueAccord's debt collection   experience. Criteria for acceptance include a track record
          solutions meet Visa standards and broader payments      of successfully impacting business growth metrics, as
          regulations, TrueAccord stated.                         well as personal and professional achievements.

        ACQUISITIONS                                              Kueski appoints Andrew Seiz
                                                                  Kueski, a buy now, pay later and online consumer lend-
          Ampla acquires Upside Financing                         er, appointed Andrew Seiz as vice president of capital
                                                                  markets and investor relations. Seiz will be responsible
          Ampla Technologies acquired Upside Financing and        for maintaining investor relationships and educating the
          introduced  Ampla Pay Later, an extended payment        investment community on Kueski's business opportu-
          terms solution for brands and vendors. Ampla Pay Later   nity. Previously, Seiz was a portfolio manager at BFAM
          will build on Upsides' existing product, which extends   Partners, BlueMountain Capital Management and Pine
          payment terms for brands looking to preserve cash       River  Capital  Management  with  a  special  focus  on
          flow and pay on their own terms, and integrate it into   financial institutions and companies in Mexico, Brazil
          Ampla's broader platform,  Ampla stated. Customers      and  Argentina. Seiz also held leadership positions at
          will now be able to upload invoices from manufacturers,   UBS and Goldman Sachs, where he worked as a sell-side
          and Ampla Pay Later will pay on their behalf, the com-  research analyst.
          pany noted, adding that brands will make payments on
          terms typically ranging from 30 to 120 days.            Sharyn Wilson joins GPS

          Climate First Bank acquires Ecountabl                   Global Processing Services selected Sharyn Wilson as
                                                                  chief people officer. Wilson is responsible for leading
          Climate First Bancorp,  the holding company for Climate   GPS' global HR organization, including talent strategy,
          First  Bank,  purchased  the  climate and social justice   recruitment, culture, learning and development, and
          fintech platform developed by the startup Ecountabl.    compensation and benefits. Her career reflects over two
          The platform indexes data on over 10,000 companies,     decades shaping international talent strategies and scal-
          analyzing environmental, social and governance per-     ing multinational businesses of all sizes ranging from
          formance to help customers track how their purchases    FTSE 100 to SMEs, including private equity backed
          align with their personal values. The acquisition will   businesses, GPS noted. Most recently, Wilson was a self-
          accelerate growth and strengthen the core capabilities of   employed consultant advising beauty group Orveon in
          OneEthos, the digital banking fintech under the Climate   setting up their UK HR functions for newly acquired
          First Bancorp umbrella, Climate First stated.           businesses.

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