Page 14 - GS221102
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        A retail-wholesale ISO comparison                                          compliance and operational infra-
                                                                                   structure to properly sell, service,
        By Ken Musante                                                             adjudicate and monitor merchants.
                                                                                   Wholesale ISOs require continual
        Napa Payments and Consulting                                               technology investments for processor
                                                                                   integration or certifications.
                 here are many reasons to become a wholesale ISO, and while hav-
                 ing an accomplished sales team is a necessary precondition, it is, by   Before allowing a single merchant to
                 itself, insufficient to justify the move. So, when considering a move,   process, the entire solution needs to
        T it's  important to  know  the  distinctions  between  the  two business   be built out, processor reserves fund-
        models.                                                                    ed, and the people, policies and pro-
                                                                                   cess to onboard, pay and offboard a
        A retail ISO is to a wholesale ISO as fuel is to a jet                     merchant must be established.

        Retail ISOs are akin to mortgage brokers. They typically manage relationships
        with multiple wholesale ISOs to provision merchants to the back office that   Wholesale ISOs are the jets; retail
        can best serve them based on factors such as pricing, service, risk, integration   ISOs are the fuel. And sometimes, re-
        with the merchant's MIS and payments solution. Retail ISOs are not party   tail ISOs envy wholesale ISOs.
        to merchant agreements. They do not adjudicate applications or manage      Price to earnings
        back-office servicing. Done right, retail ISOs are sales and service machines
        incrementally growing their portfolios through various marketing channels   More specifically, wholesale ISOs
        using direct employees and/or contractors. Retail ISOs are a lucrative, attractive   have a price to earnings (PE) valu-
        business line: low start-up costs, low capital investment, low risk, and recurring   ation many times greater than the
        and steady income.                                                         PE valuation of retail ISOs. Plainly
                                                                                   stated, every dollar a wholesale ISO
        Why do I need a rearview mirror if I'm only going forward?                 makes equates to a valuation of ap-
        Wholesale ISOs own the merchant risk. Start-up costs are significant. Whole-  proximately 10 times that of its retail
        sale ISOs must maintain PCI certification and manage the people, technology,   ISO brethren. And for good reason.
                                                                                   Wholesale ISOs have significant ini-
                                                                                   tial investment before they see their
                                                                                   first dollar in profit.
                                                                                   The wholesale ISO could transport
                                                                                   a company to another level. It has a
                                                                                   BIN/ICA sponsor, process and tech-
                                                                                   nology that could support a much
                                                                                   larger base than it is serving at a
                                                                                   point in time.  The right buyer could
                                                                                   harness and leverage the wholesale
                                                                                   ISO and compensate the buyer for the
                                                                                   larger multiple.

                                                                                   A retail ISO does not (usually) al-
                                                                                   low for the same sales leverage. Un-
                                                                                   less there is a technology solution,
                                                                                   scalable  marketing  or  defendable
                                                                                   vertical, the retail ISO is typically a
                                                                                   function of the company's ownership
                                                                                   and executive team. The asset is the
                                                                                   portfolio  residuals and the sales en-
                                                                                   gine. Both of those are less certain to
                                                                                   survive the transition to a new entity.
                                                                                   Both are less able to be leveraged and
                                                                                   consequently have a lower PE ratio. I
                                                                                   am not arguing against retail ISOs; I
                                                                                   fully support them.
                                                                                   I have had the privilege of starting
                                                                                   and  running  both  a  wholesale  ISO
                                                                                   and a retail ISO. Both are dynamic;
                                                                                   both  are  great  businesses.  A  retail
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