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        Now is the time for                                     The task is no simple venture, but the benefits of doing
                                                                so are huge and will pave the way for revolutionized
        FIs to seize the ISO                                    cross-border payment methods—from reducing resource
                                                                burden to a simplified and faster payment process.

        20022 moment                                            The countdown has begun,
                                                                save the date for compliance

                                                                All banks are on the countdown clock to make sure
                                                                their message  interface  at  least  supports the  receipt
                                                                of ISO 20022-compliant messages (
                                                                iso20022readiness). The migration of SWIFT and a range of
                                                                real-time gross settlement (RTGS) systems will broadly
                                                                take place over three years from November 2022 to
                                                                November 2025.

                                                                SWIFT won’t completely retire existing message formats
                                                                (MT and MX) or the FIN number system until 2025, but
                                                                the new ISO 20022-based CBPR+ system became an option
                                                                for early adopters in August and is generally available in
                                                                Banks have their work cut out to
                                                                stay relevant in the fintech space

        By Sumeet Puri                                          Fintech startups have the advantage of  being  much
        Solace                                                  younger and founded in the digital age. Their systems are
                                                                often created in the cloud and have a modern architecture
                 vent-driven  architecture  can  drive  business   that gives them the agility to adapt to market trends and
                 opportunities for financial institutions (FIs) way   regulation, the flexibility to innovate, and the opportunity
                 beyond just another ISO standard adoption. In   to maximize the customer experience—especially across
        E effect, SWIFT has become the official standard        digital touchpoints.
        for international payments, and it’s set to transform how
        banks and financial services organizations process cross-  In contrast, the legacy nature of older banking institution
        border payments.                                        IT systems means they generally encounter difficulties at
                                                                the best of times when trying to adapt, particularly in terms
        Mandatory adoption of ISO 20022 standard comes into     of scalability, flexibility, reliability and complexity. Banks
        force this month, with the aim of solving traditional   still have numerous manual touch points when handling
        industry pinch points of delays, high costs and a lack of   payments data, such as trying to reconcile missing data or
        standardization. This article explores how FIs can use   incorrect data.
        event-driven architecture to not only reach ISO regulatory
        requirements, but to unlock new business opportunities   Multiple steps happen in each and every payment that can
        for the future.                                         further complicate and stretch legacy architecture. First,
                                                                there is the question of funding—without this we’re going
        An average of 42 million payments and securities        nowhere.
        transactions were processed per day in 2021, via SWIFT’s
        FIN (financial information) message service. Widely used   Does the institution have the money? Is the money there
        by a substantial network of banks to share money transfer   in the savings account? When you’re funding from a
        instructions, SWIFT messages orchestrate the transfer   credit card account, can the funding occur within the
        of nearly $5 trillion worldwide each day—it’s no wonder   credit limits? Then, currency validation happens, further
        SWIFT has become the world’s leading provider of secure   complicated when tax considerations are raised. Finally,
        financial messaging services and primary method of      we’re through to clearing and settlement—where the
        international funds transfers.                          exchange actually happens.
                                                                Seize the moment – but don’t
        As a result, the mandatory November 2022 adoption of the   run before you can walk
        ISO 20022 standard by SWIFT will have a profound effect
        on financial institutions across the globe. Each and every   A recent EY report, How to unlock the power of enhanced data
        FI will need to rethink how it sends payment instruction   post ISO 20022, ( zeroes in on the
        messages, while juggling a competitive market in various   technology change required to meet ISO 20022 standards:
        stages of adoption.                                     “Setting up the right technology and infrastructure to
                                                                benefit from this will be a key measure of success, as it

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