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        ing is interchange-plus; ISVs can mark that up or down as   "Software  companies  are  niche  players.  They  don't  un-
        they deem necessary.                                    derstand payments. They need help," Sondhi said. "That's
        Recently, Tilled landed a deal with a company that sells   where ISOs should play to their strengths," especially cus-
        music studio software. "Within 28 days of the first sales   tomer service.
        conversation the company was processing payments on
        our platform, with each of us [the ISV, Tilled and the refer-  Related services and technologies, like loyalty, invoicing,
        ring ISO] generating ongoing revenues," Avery said.     scheduling and CRM should also be part of the mix. This
                                                                will often require ISOs to partner with other technology
        End-to-end integration typically takes a company like   companies first. "They need to become aggregators of tech
        Tilled about four days. "It's a pretty dramatic acceleration   stacks," Sondhi said.
        of time to market for software companies wanting to mon-
        etize payments," Avery added.                           McKinsey, in its report, offered similar advice, suggesting
                                                                that ISVs can grow market share by adding value-added
        To date, most of Tilled's clients have been card-not-pres-  services to their core offerings – services that ISOs and
        ent merchants. In September, though, the company an-    banks can deliver. In fact, a third of small businesses sur-
        nounced it can now process for card-present merchants   veyed by McKinsey are interested in value-added finan-
        through a partnership with technology company Aevi.     cial services.
        Build upon strengths                                    McKinsey also made a pitch for ISVs to seek out incumbent

        The rise of software-led payments does not signal the de-  players, like ISOs, as partners. "While ISVs have achieved
        mise of the traditional ISO sales model.                success through self-service or offline sales processes, 40
        "I don't think it will ever go away, but it is going to be a   percent of small businesses surveyed say they purchased
        smaller  percentage  of  the  market,"  Liu  said.  Avery  con-  their services through a salesperson or payments consul-
        curred, noting the move to software-led payments "will   tant. Partnerships could leverage incumbent companies'
        be a gradual transition."                               broader reach to drive growth for ISVs," McKinsey con-
        Sondi suggested that working with ISVs should become a   Patti Murphy is senior editor at The Green Sheet  and co-host of the
        natural extension of ISO businesses.                    Merchant Sales Podcast. Follow her on Twitter @GS_PayMaven.
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