Product: SafeToTrust
Company: AtData
AtData, an innovator in email address intelligence, data security and digital trust solutions, recently unveiled SafeToTrust, a pioneering product aimed at helping retailers and marketers mitigate promotional abuse and coupon fraud.
AtData said that its SafeToTrust solution enables retailers to flag and block disposable, generated or bot emails to prevent fake account creation and misuse of coupons, promotional discounts and free trial offers.
“Coupons are a cornerstone of retail marketing, but the rise of digital scams to exploit online discounts through multiple email addresses, fake accounts and other deceptive practices, costs U.S. businesses hundreds of millions of dollars,” said Brian Burke, AtData vice president of product.
“Our new SafeToTrust solution safeguards brands by identifying and eliminating toxic emails associated with coupon and promotional abuse.”
Powered by accurate, comprehensive and privacy-compliant data, including 20+ years of historical email and postal addresses and billions of monthly activity signals, AtData’s email address intelligence solutions help organizations recognize, know and target the person associated with a given email address, the company noted.
Empowering marketers to build more meaningful customer experiences, AtData validates and verifies its customers’ first party data and enables organizations to develop actionable customer profiles and assess risk, resulting in an increase in customer engagement, sales and retention, AtData pointed out.
SafeToTrust ensures that promotional offers reach genuine consumers by improving the quality of customer interactions and promotional campaigns to help protect and maintain a brand’s reputation.
With SafeToTrust added to its proven suite services, including email validation, identity resolution and profile enrichment insights, AtData empowers marketers with the tools to reach and genuinely connect with customers on an emotional and logical level, adding value to every communication, the company added.
Ecommerce leaders need to be flexible and forward-thinking, especially as AI continues to shape the landscape, AtData stated, adding that a strong data strategy is at the heart of growth and adaptation. For more information about SafeToTrust and the email address experts dedicated to helping retailers and marketers keep data safe from abuse, visit
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