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Hyperwallet facilitates payments for OPSkins                 with authorities and regulators to address the fraud
                                                             incident. Approximately 9,000 customer accounts were
Hyperwallet Systems Inc. reported it now facilitates pay-    reported to have been compromised in early November
ment processing for OPSkins, a video game marketplace        2016.
that securely connects buyers and sellers of in-game
digital items. OPSkins will use Hyperwallet's global        TMG executive recognized by ISU
payout platform to offer payees transparency through
the payment process and the flexibility to choose from       The Members Group CEO Shazia Manus received rec-
a range of convenient payment methods. "OPSkins and          ognition from her alma mater, Iowa State University.
Hyperwallet will continue to ensure that these [gam-         The ISU Department of Economics Public Engagement
ing industry] transactions are processed quickly, con-       Award is given to one individual each year, and Manus
veniently, and transparently," said Brent Warrington,        was presented with the 2016 award by the College of
Hyperwallet's CEO.                                           Liberal Arts and Sciences. Manus was recognized for her
                                                             ongoing commitment to driving economic growth in the
Mercator creates research tool                               financial services industry.

Mercator Advisory Group launched Gray Owl Network           U.S. Payments Forum creates new committee
LLC, a market research organization and tool that uti-
lizes a combination of automated crawling, machine           As part of the U.S. Payments Forum's expanded priorities
learning and researcher data filtration to develop a         to address new and emerging payment technologies, the
virtual card catalogue of online citations and search-       Mobile and Contactless Payments Working Committee
able information. Gray Owl targets and gathers links to      has been launched. This committee will explore mobile
information that will be useful from an industry research    and contactless payment opportunities and challenges,
perspective for strategic planning and decision making,      identify possible approaches, and develop practical
and enables users to quickly search through the informa-     implementation guidance and best practices for solu-
tion curated, according to Mercator.                         tions being implemented in the United States. In addi-
                                                             tion, the committee will also review the ongoing migra-
NMI provides real-time ACH to payfacs                        tion of chip technology, tokenization, card-not-present
                                                             security, and encryption.
Network Merchants Inc. added real-time automated
clearinghouse (ACH) capabilities and account updater       RESEARCH
services to its facilitator enablement gateway platform
for payment facilitators (payfacs). With these new fea-     Computop cites holiday concerns, preferences
tures, payfacs are now able to offer a frictionless ACH
experience to merchants, reduce manual updating and          Computop Inc. released findings on consumers' antici-
authorization declines, and turn on credit card and ACH      pated shopping behaviors and online security concerns
processing and account updater functions in seconds,         entering the 2016 holiday season. In a survey of more
NMI stated.                                                  than 1,900 U.S. and U.K. consumers, Computop found
                                                             76 percent of respondents planned to shop online this
Seamless SEQR app receives U.S. patent approval              holiday season, but 74 percent of the group expressed
                                                             concerns about disclosing their credit card and bank
Seamless Distribution AB obtained a Notice of Allowance      information online. Trusted payment methods also dif-
from the United States Patent and Trademark Office for       fered slightly between countries, with U.S. consumers
its SEQR mobile payment solution. The notice is a pre-       preferring credit cards and U.K. respondents preferring
liminary step that typically signifies the patent will be    PayPal Inc.
approved shortly. The U.S. patent application is equiva-
lent to the company's Swedish patent awarded in March       Consumer sentiments on Durbin probed
2014. "A patent in the U.S. provides important protection
for our SEQR payment solution in the world's largest         Morning Consult released new survey data that revealed
market," said Peter Fredell, CEO of Seamless.                a majority of consumers support repeal of the Durbin
                                                             Amendment to the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act if merchants
Tesco releases statement on recent breach                    are not passing the savings realized by the act to con-
                                                             sumers. The national survey included 1,999 registered
Following Tesco Bank's recent security breach, the bank's    voters, six in 10 of whom favored repeal of the act. By
Chief Executive, Benny Higgins, confirmed criminal           a two-to-one margin, respondents also indicated they
activity occurred within the bank's computer systems.        believe interchange fees should be negotiated by mer-
Higgins apologized to the bank's customers and outlined      chants and processors, not by the federal government.
precautionary measures the bank took to protect its cus-     Morning Consult conducted the survey on behalf of the
tomers, indicated all losses would be fully resolved, and    Electronic Payments Coalition,
assured its customers the bank would continue to work

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