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 Javelin reports on                      Hometown Bank, ACH                      Let us
 POS in small retail                     Alert join forces
                                                                                  help you
  Javelin Strategy & Research            Hometown Bank partnered with             increase your
  released The Future of Point-of-Sale:  ACH Alert to provide customers           bottom line
  Strategies to Meet Small Retailers     real-time, self-service fraud protec-    today!
  Evolving Needs, a study that exam-     tion using ACH Alert's PRO-TECH
  ines the state of POS usage and EMV    solution. Hometown Bank said it        Customized advertising
  (Europay, Mastercard and Visa)         sought a reliable, automated solu-      company and budget.
  compliance among small retailers.      tion that would offer customers
  It also examined adoption of near      more control over their accounts and            *Print ( various sizes)
  field communication, mobile wal-       provide a multilayered approach to                    *Online
  let and cloud applications. When       security. According to the bank, the                   *Video
  asked to rank the barriers to adop-    PRO-TECH debit approval process
  tion of new POS terminals, respon-     prompts an actionable alert when                *Resource Guide
  dents indicated cost (72 percent),     an ACH debit hits the account, and
  new hardware requirements (71          gives the account holder real-time                 (print/online/front page)
  percent), and security concerns (61    access and intelligence.
  percent) were the top challenges                                                         *Email Blasts
  identified by small retailers.         InAuth aligns with                     *Spotlight Innovators Pages
                                         Early Warning
PARTNERSHIPS                                                                             *Bundle package
                                         InAuth Inc. and Early Warning                        discounts
 Cardtek working with NXP                Services LLC formed a strategic
                                         alliance to enhance security of                  Call today!
  Cardtek Group partnered with NXP       real-time mobile payment servic-
  Semiconductors N.V. to introduce       es. InAuth's InMobile technology           707-284-1686
  the Digital Enablement Platform        reportedly examines thousands
  designed to enable consumers to        of unique identifying attributes          Danielle Thorpe
  transact using wearable solutions.     on mobile devices to create a per-
  Cardtek's payment system infra-        manent device identity that can-                 AVP Media Partnerships
  structure will integrate with NXP      not be spoofed. By leveraging the                                              17
  PN66T and P60 wearable chips to        advanced device intelligence capa-
  allow issuers, original equipment      bilities of InAuth's InMobile solu-
  manufacturers and other service        tion, Early Warning can cross refer-
  providers to create payment and        ence device attributes with mobile
  non-payment services for wear-         network subscriber intelligence
  ables. A mobile software develop-      to provide greater confidence in
  ment kit is also offered for parties   mobile transactions, the partners
  interested in using the platform to    stated.
  develop mobile wallets.
                                         Pepperjam, Magento
 Elan teams up with Capital Bank         collaborate

  Elan Financial Services and Capital    Pepperjam and Magento Commerce
  Bank Financial Corp. signed an         partnered to enable Magento mer-
  agreement that will provide Capital    chants to receive instant access
  Bank business and consumer cus-        to the Pepperjam Network. The
  tomers with Elan's suite of credit     network provides an interface
  card products and services. As part    that helps merchants seamlessly
  of the multiyear agreement, Elan       activate and manage affiliate pro-
  will provide credit card products      grams directly within their com-
  that Capital Bank will brand as        merce platforms, saving time and
  its own. For corporate customers,      resources to maximize return on
  Capital Bank will offer Elan's One     investment, the companies stated.
  Card, which can merge purchas-
  ing, travel and fleet card programs
  into a single payment solution, the
  companies said.
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