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 Sionic, Salon Media22 collaborate                            has more than two decades of IT industry leadership
                                                              experience addressing and deploying solutions such
  Sionic Mobile Corp. and Salon Media22 partnered to          as secure mobile services, hybrid cloud integration, big
  launch Style Rewards, a mobile payment and loyalty          data capabilities, and national cyber security programs,
  app for stylists and salon clientele. Powered by Sionic     CPI stated.
  Mobile's ION Commerce Engine, the Salon Media22
  online center allows salon owners to "go mobile" with no    Ripple promotes Garlinghouse
  upfront cost, monthly fees or equipment purchases, the
  partners stated. Salon Media22 clients also have access     Ripple reported Chris Larsen transitioned from his
  to mobile marketing tools, including mobile advertis-       operational role as the company's CEO to its Executive
  ing; salon-branded e-gift cards; client rewards; and fast,  Chairman; Brad Garlinghouse was named his succes-
  secure mobile payments, the companies added.                sor, effective Jan.1, 2017. Garlinghouse has served for
                                                              more than a year and a half as Ripple's President and
ACQUISITIONS                                                  Chief Operating Officer. In that role, Garlinghouse built
                                                              Ripple's organization to support a global enterprise
 Accenture finalizes consulting firm acquisition              software business, established operational excellence
                                                              and led extensive growth in customer adoption, the
  Accenture LLP completed the acquisition of Management       company noted.
  Consulting Group subsidiary Kurt Salmon, a global
  strategy consulting firm focused on the retail industry.    Grech signs on with Fiserv
  Over 260 employees of Kurt Salmon across the United
  States, Germany, the U.K., Japan and China are now          Fiserv Inc. named Jim Grech as its Chief Information
  part of the Accenture Strategy retail industry practice.    Officer. Grech, who has spent the majority of his career
  Founded in 1935, Kurt Salmon brings to Accenture            in financial services technology, joins Fiserv from BNY
  Strategy its established leadership in operational strat-   Mellon, where he was responsible for the firm's global
  egy consulting, Accenture noted.                            technology infrastructure. At Fiserv, Grech will oversee
                                                              information technology infrastructure and operations,
 Finical purchases Safeguard Bankcard                         corporate systems, enterprise architecture and technol-
                                                              ogy governance. He will also lead the company's focus
  Finical Inc. reported that it acquired Safeguard Bankcard   on next generation technology platforms, Fiserv noted.
  LLC, a rapidly growing provider of merchant services
  in Atlanta. Finical also stated it entered into binding     WesPay appoints Selmi
  agreements for two additional acquisitions. "Our focus
  has always been on developing mutually beneficial part-     WesPay Advisors, the wholly owned subsidiary of
  nerships and acquisitions that are in line with our com-    Western Payments Alliance, appointed Chris Selmi as
  pany's principles and growth strategies," said Finical      its President. Selmi joined WesPay in December 2012
  CEO Aaron Nasseh.                                           and previously spent 16 years in the electronic pay-
                                                              ments organization at Bank of America Corp., where
 GTCR acquires RevSpring                                      he served in a variety of capacities. In addition to this
                                                              new appointment, the respective boards of WesPay and
  Georgia Tech Research Corp. acquired RevSpring Inc.,        WesPay Advisors approved the transfer of WesPay's
  provider of multichannel billing and communications         Risk Management Services to WesPay Advisors, begin-
  solutions to the healthcare and financial services indus-   ning Jan. 1, 2017.
  tries. GTCR is working with RevSpring's existing man-
  agement team to pursue both growth initiatives at           Smith tapped by Square
  RevSpring and complementary acquisitions in the bill-
  ing and payments industries. To support this strategy,      Square Inc. hired Hillary B. Smith as the company's
  GTCR committed up to $400 million of equity capital to      General Counsel. Smith brings to Square years of legal
  the platform.                                               leadership experience at technology companies, having
                                                              navigated complex legal and regulatory environments at
APPOINTMENTS                                                  the local, state, and federal levels, according to Square.
                                                              Smith most recently served as General Counsel for
 Arbabha joins CPI                                            Zenefits. "Hillary has exceptional experience serving as
                                                              general counsel at several technology companies, both
  CPI Card Group Inc. appointed Jay Arbabha as its Chief      publicly traded and startups, and she's a great fit for our
  Technology Officer. In this role, Arbabha will be respon-   team," said Jack Dorsey, CEO of Square.
  sible for leading the development of CPI's technology
  strategy and information technology operations. He

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