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ACI is at the forefront of the RTP movement, helping financial institutions            These schemes typically involve a
implement ISO formats that support RTP and other emerging payment schemes.             low-value, real-time payment re-
Dwyer stressed the need for these system-wide upgrades to ISO standards;               quest followed by a secure account-
legacy systems unable to support RTP will lose out on related benefits and             to-account funds transfer and imme-
opportunities, she stated.                                                             diate notifications, the report stated.

A changing reality                                                                     The authors further noted RTP's ef-
                                                                                       fect on consumers as they acclimate
A report titled Real-time payments are changing the reality of payments, published in  to faster settlements, "buy" buttons
2015 by Deloitte Development LLC, examines RTP's evolving role. Current real-          and instant paychecks. "While the
time payment systems are based on interbank electronic funds transfers initi-          concept of 'paying now' is not a new
ated from smartphones, tablets, digital wallets, and the web, the authors stated.      one – cash is an immediate payment
                                                                                       transaction instrument after all – the
                                                                                       growth of 'real-time payment' op-
                                                                                       tions has helped build a new stan-
                                                                                       dard among consumers," they wrote.

                                                                                       Long live cash

                                                                                       The Deloitte authors advocate for
                                                                                       real-time payments as a way to en-
                                                                                       hance transaction visibility while
                                                                                       improving cash management and li-
                                                                                       quidity. "The liquidity improvement
                                                                                       can be especially impactful to small
                                                                                       merchants who may be used to wait-
                                                                                       ing days for their settlement, pos-
                                                                                       sibly creating a positive impact on
                                                                                       their cash flow and daily sales out-
                                                                                       standing (DSOs)," the authors wrote.

                                                                                       While the authors concede that cash
                                                                                       is used "to conveniently exchange
                                                                                       funds in an immediate fashion,"
                                                                                       they question its sustainability in an
                                                                                       electronic commerce ecosystem that
                                                                                       costs considerably less than $200 bil-
                                                                                       lion a year, which they claim is the
                                                                                       U.S. cost of supporting cash.

                                                                                       Dave Lott, Payments Risk Expert,
                                                                                       Retail Payments Forum at The Fed-
                                                                                       eral Reserve Bank of Atlanta, said
                                                                                       the Fed is studying RTP but remains
                                                                                       a staunch cash advocate. "We are
                                                                                       strong cash supporters, allocating
                                                                                       assets, resources and even earning
                                                                                       money for engraving, printing and
                                                                                       circulating cash," he said. And for
                                                                                       many cash-based businesses, that is
                                                                                       good news indeed.

                                                                                       Dale S. Laszig, Staff Writer at The Green
                                                                                       Sheet and Managing Director at DSL Direct
                                                                                       LLC, is a payments industry journalist and
                                                                                       content provider. She can be reached at
                                                                              and on Twitter at @

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