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and new technologies, all the way through to processing,       saturation and growing comfort with using them to make
banking and treasury management. Get involved and              payments are contributing factors, researchers found.
learn with enthusiasm.
What's next for BillPro?                                       Despite solid gains in mobile online purchases, merchants
                                                               have struggled to create native app experiences that
We have quite a few things currently in progress that we       attract and retain shoppers. Demand for speedy checkout,
are excited to be announcing soon:                             multiple payment options and immersive shopping
                                                               experiences is expected to further drive mobile online
      •	 BillPro opened cross-border payment services in       retail payments to a projected $320 billion by 2020, Javelin
          Europe recently, and we are already expanding        noted.
          services in this region to include direct acquiring
          and issuing as well as banking and international     According to Javelin, mobile browsers have outpaced
          bank account number services.                        merchants' native apps when consumers make purchases,
                                                               generating $75.3 billion compared with $46.9 billion in
      •	 We've been working very hard behind closed            total 2015 revenues, respectively.
          doors to build a revolutionary payments platform
          for the e-commerce industry and will be rolling      Analysts and online merchants are optimistic about
          this out over the next year across Western Europe    mobile online commerce this holiday season and beyond.
          and then Eastern Europe.                             "With the holiday shopping season upon us, retailers must
                                                               stay off of consumers' naughty list by meeting consumers'
      •	 The company is expanding both the Australian          mobile shopping expectations for a streamlined experience
          and European teams, and we are in the process of     and fast and secure checkout options," said Emmett
          adding new regional management teams in local        Higdon, Director of Mobile at Javelin.
          European markets.
                                                               Some merchants already have a competitive advantage.
      •	 BillPro has also been finalizing strong               "Cutting edge retailers like Adidas, Nordstrom, and
          partnerships in the United States with a number      Sephora are also using augmented and virtual reality
          of leading e-commerce technology providers           to provide shoppers with mobile-exclusive experiences,
          who leverage BillPro's high-level gateway and        enabling them to preview purchases in their own homes
          acquiring services to deliver a whole new set of     and virtually 'try' products before making a decision,"
          solutions to the U.S. market.                        Higdon said.

The Mobile Buzz:                                               Looking ahead to 2017, researchers at Zenith forecast
                                                               an estimated 75 percent of global Internet use will be
Smartphone ecommerce                                           conducted on mobile devices. "Mobile devices are already
on the rise                                                    the primary means of accessing the Internet across the
                                                               world," said Jonathan Barnard, Head of Forecasting at
A recent Javelin Strategy & Research report                    Zenith. "Countries in Western Europe, Asia and North
               revealed mobile ecommerce via apps and          America are leading the transition, but mobile technology
               browsers surged to over $120 billion in 2015,   is spreading rapidly everywhere."
               and smartphones generated 70 cents of every
$1 spent in mobile ecommerce. Increasing smartphone            Zenith noted that in 2012, just 23 percent of the population
                                                               in the 60 markets it studies owned smartphones.
                                                               "Smartphone penetration has now reached 56 percent, an
                                                               increase of 2.4 times over four years, and we forecast it
                                                               to rise to 63 percent by 2018," stated Zenith in its mobile

                                                               Globally, Spain (85 percent), Hong Kong (79 percent), China
                                                               (76 percent), the United States (74 percent), Italy and India
                                                               (73 percent each) now lead mobile Internet consumption,
                                                               according to Zenith. By 2018, China is expected to top the
                                                               list at 89 percent mobile Internet use, followed by China
                                                               (87 percent), Spain (86 percent), the United States and Italy
                                                               (83 percent each) and India (82 percent).

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