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Here is just a taste of what is showcased on our Spotlight Innovator Pages.

           Integrated Reporting is Simple (IRIS CRM) is a premier sales
                                                                            automation software company servicing clients in the payments
                                                                            industry. The platform was created for ISOs (sellers of electronic
                                                                            payment services) to track leads, appointments, tickets, commis-
                                                                      sions and live accounts from processing networks. With over 30 current
 integrations, IRIS CRM also offers robust reporting for clients in formats conducive to determining productivity and
 growth. Our clients do not install IRIS CRM, but instead access it through a secure website built and hosted by IRIS CRM,
 a certified PCI Level 1 Compliant Service Provider. Headquartered in Brooklyn, IRIS CRM offers a fast-paced and stimu-
 lating corporate culture and a team environment that leverages the latest technologies to deliver reporting and business
 process automation services to our clients in the payment processing industry.
 What’s New: Introducing an Essential Payment Processing Tool to Eliminate Five of the Most Critical ISO Issues

Today, many small and medium size ISOs don’t have enough hours in a day to run their business and deal with
             operational issues that demand their attention. Many ISOs try to solve this issue by piecing together different
             software solutions to run different parts of their business, only to find out that together they are expensive, not
             entirely compatible and can produce mixed results.

                                    To read the rest of this story and learn more about this Spolight Innovator visit their page

          USAePay is a family-owned business based in Los Angeles, CA.
                                                                              For over 15 years, the company has been assisting merchants
                                                                              with payment solutions to fit their needs. USAePay’s payment
                                                                              gateway supports most of the major platforms in the credit card
                                                                industry and works with some of the leading check platforms. USAePay is
                                                                pleased to work with most of the larger merchant service banks in the US
                                                                and Canada.
   What’s New: Mobile POS integrity you can count on

In today’s world, the idea of adding a mobile POS system into the business plan is no longer a luxury for merchants.
         In fact, taking payment through a mobile system has almost become a necessity for brick-and-mortar and on-the-go
         merchants in order to stay competitive.

                                     To read the rest of this story and learn more about this Spolight Innovator visit their page

        H arbortouch is a leading national supplier of point of sale (POS) systems,
                                                                credit card processing equipment and a full range of merchant services.
                                                                Ranked by the Nilson Report as one of the largest payment processors in
                                                                the United States, Harbortouch currently handles the merchant accounts
                                                for over 120,000 merchant locations and processes in excess of $10 billion annually,
                                                with those numbers continually increasing. The company offers an unparalleled free
                                                equipment program that supplies a full-featured POS system to restaurants and retail
 businesses with no up-front costs.
 What’s New: Making the Transition to POS

A s the payments and POS industries converge, it is becoming increasingly difficult for ISOs to remain competi-
                tive without offering a POS solution. POS systems are now more accessible than ever and merchants are better
                informed about the benefits that they provide. By adding a POS solution to your offerings, you can gain access
                to the higher volume, higher margin accounts......

                                   To read the rest of this story and learn more about this Spolight Innovator visit their page

Contact us for more details & pricing options at 800.757.4441
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