Page 26 - GS161102
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• Product is custom (customers could decide they to make decisions, develop key learnings and take pride in
don't like the jacket or it was not as they envisioned) accomplishments achieved.
These three factors would make a merchant selling custom When you want to add a new person to your team,
jackets high risk from a bank's perspective, because the what qualities do you look for?
likelihood of customer dissatisfaction is high, and that
means customers may initiate chargebacks. This high- Choosing quality employees is one of the most important
risk classification is shocking to merchants like this, who skills a business owner can master. In order to accomplish
consider their businesses to be honest and reliable. Once workplace harmony, personalities and work ethic levels
that classification is received, merchants will have a hard must be complementary to the overall environment of the
time finding processors that are willing to work with company. For me, confidence and a can-do attitude are
them. vital for any team member at BillPro.
At BillPro, we consider these merchants to be managed- I give less importance to experience; some of our best
risk merchants. We understand the financial risk, and employees came straight from university or had experience
we put controls in place to manage it. By incorporating in unrelated industries. Rather, I need to see that someone
custom account features for these types of merchants, we has the ability to step outside of their comfort zone, be
can quickly and easily support them without any financial comfortable working in a nimble environment, get their
risk, and they can focus on running high-quality, online hands dirty, be naturally curious and ask questions.
I also look for strong problem solving skills, as I feel
For example, some of the controls placed on a managed- they go hand in hand with a resilient attitude. I want
risk merchant could be: to know that even when faced with obstacles that seem
insurmountable, they are willing to find a way around
1. We authorize the transaction upon order or through them. The last quality I look for is genuine
enthusiasm and an interest or passion for the industry
2. Merchant to provide mock-up of final design for – payments, e-commerce and/or fintech. Our world is
customer sign off online, and I want to know that my employees have an
interest in what they are taking on.
3. Payment captured when customer approves
design What advice do you have for women new to the
industry who want to find a niche where they
4. Date of product shipment provided to customer can prosper and grow?
5. Integrated package tracking used for customer The most important piece of advice I'd give to women is
receipt confirmation to forget the fact that you're a woman and just GO FOR
IT. There are enough barriers in the world already facing
By taking the time and effort to understand merchants' young women on their journey to the top, so don't allow
businesses, we can easily manage their risk levels and the preconceptions of others (or your own) to get in your
help keep honest retailers selling goods worldwide. way. Make goals and don't let anyone stand in your path,
especially not yourself.
As CEO of BillPro, you keep a relatively flat business
structure within the business. What are the For women who are new to the industry – I would advise
advantages to that type of management structure? them to network, research and empower themselves with
knowledge. There are many great resources online, like
We maintain a flat management structure to promote self The Green Sheet (which I relied on as a young woman
confidence in our staff and increase their speed of learning. entering this industry), and associations like Women in
In the same way that we pride ourselves in transparent Payments, that provide the kind of insights needed to
communication with our customers, our management succeed in the industry.
structure is set up in a similar way.
Go to events and make conversation; don't be afraid to ask
As a growing business, we foster a culture of support questions. Ask someone you admire to be your mentor;
and camaraderie, ensuring that every staff member feels you'd be surprised that most would be happy to be a
important, heard and responsible for the overall success of mentor, but aren't often asked. I also think it's important
the company. to learn the full "environment" that you want to work
in, not just your specific industry. The most successful
We also cultivate growth by upskilling our employees; women (and men) I've met in processing are successful
having a flat management structure allows our staff to because they understand every aspect of the value chain,
have more involvement and awareness of the business from marketing and consumer behavior, to social media
from a companywide perspective, giving them the ability