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        compliance and regulatory issues. Mike Bologna,                  increase in transactions and a 6 percent increase in
        the firm's CEO, hopes California will model the way              net revenue per transaction.
        for other state governments tasked with designing
        responsible regulatory frameworks.                           •	 Financial institution services: Net revenue in-
                                                                         creased 1 percent to $86.2 million in the third
    •	 MassRoots Inc.: This social media platform stated it              quarter, compared with $85.6 million in the third
        has raised over $250,000 across the United States for            quarter of 2015. The company renewed its contract
        various cannabis legalization initiatives.                       with Fifth Third Bank during this period, impact-
                                                                         ing short-term profits but favorably positioning the
Vantiv growth plans to                                                   company for long-term growth in the channel.
include Moneris USA
                                                                 Moneris contactless, EMV leadership
V antiv Inc.'s planned acquisition of Moneris
               USA for $425 million is the latest conquest for   Moneris, a leading North American payment solutions
               the Cincinnati-based payments acquirer. The       provider, provides credit, debit, wireless and online
               deal, expected to close in the fourth quarter of  payment services for merchants across an array of
2016, will be subject to final approval and anti-trust clear-    industries, processing more than 3 billion transactions a
ance by the U.S. Department of Justice. Schaumburg, Ill.-        year. The company has more than 350,000 merchants and
based Moneris USA, a subsidiary of Moneris, a Canadian           is known for its value-added loyalty and gift card services.
company jointly owned by BMO Financial Group and
Royal Bank of Canada, processed nearly $12 billion in pay-       Moneris has advanced mobile wallet adoption by deploying
ment transactions in 2015, Moneris reported.                     near field communication-enabled POS devices. In May
                                                                 2016, it disclosed that Apple Pay would be available at
Payments analysts expect an easy transition due                  select retailers for Visa Inc., Mastercard, American Express
to the companies' aligned interests and compatible               Co. and Interac Debit cardholders. Rob Cameron, Chief
organizational cultures. The chief executives expect the         Product and Marketing Officer at Moneris said all of the
merger to combine and leverage areas of technical and            company's solutions support contactless payments, noting
marketing expertise. Charles Drucker, President and CEO          25 percent of transactions originate from mobile devices
at Vantiv, said the Moneris USA acquisition will accelerate      or contactless credit cards. "With Apple Pay's increased
the company's growth in key channels. "We look forward           options and our leading market share in Canada, we are
to serving [Moneris USA] technology and banking sector           ready to educate, enable and support merchants across the
partners with our deep payments expertise and strong             country to accept Apple Pay today," he said.
customer service," he added. Angela Brown, President and
CEO at Moneris, also expects Moneris USA merchants to            The company was also a leader in U.S. EMV (Europay,
benefit from Vantiv's high level of service, economies of        Mastercard and Visa) migration, partnering with POS
scale and omnichannel capabilities. "Working together            software developer Amber Systems Technologies to be
with Vantiv, Moneris will continue to support our mutual         EMV-certified with all five payment card brands. Amber
cross-border customers with a focus on innovation and            Systems' expertise in the restaurant, specialty retail
service," she said.                                              and grocery segments streamlined EMV acceptance for
                                                                 numerous hospitality retailers and supported Moneris in
Vantiv growth, profitability                                     its phased rollout of EMV compliant devices across the
                                                                 United States, the company reported in February 2016.
Vantiv, one of the largest acquirers in the United States,
has a portfolio of 800,000 merchants and 1,400 financial         In addition, Moneris brought a decade of EMV experience
institution partnerships. The publicly traded company            to bear during the October 2015 liability shift, helping U.S.
reported a 12 percent increase in total revenue ($914            merchants upgrade POS systems to EMV-capable solutions.
million) for the third quarter of 2016, compared with            Merchants appreciated the company's proven track record
the same period in 2015 ($816 million). Company leaders          in EMV deployments, noted Chris Lee, the company's
attributed positive earnings to organic growth. "Our             President of North American Strategic Partnerships and
ability to deliver superior financial results by consistently    Emerging Markets. "We manage every aspect of the
winning market share speaks to the strength of our people        EMV migration and integration process, from design and
and their consistent focus on execution," Drucker said.          testing, to certification and implementation, making the
Following are additional details from Vantiv's third             switch to EMV a seamless transition for merchants," she
quarter 2016 earnings report:                                    said.

    •	 Merchant services: Net revenue increased 17 per-          Rumors of the merger had been circulating for close to
        cent to $404 million, compared with $345 million in      a year, according to Jay Antenen, Senior Editor at The
        the same period in the prior year, with a 10 percent     Mergermarket Group. When the news became official on
                                                                 Nov. 10, 2016, he tweeted, "Vantiv finally wins Moneris
                                                                 USA for $425m. Long sale process had lots of fits and
                                                                 starts, rumors."

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