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        Cyber Security practice analysts consider the leading         easy to use. Researchers believe insecure wireless
        methods of cybercrime and their potential impact on           networks will provide easily accessible methods of
        business owners and consumers:                                transport for nefarious drone attacks.

           •  Business email compromise (BEC) attacks: Email          Drone use in the commercial sector is also on the
              continues to be the leading conduit of fraud and        rise, adding to the possibility of enterprise-scale
              malware, accounting for $19 million in losses in Sin-   drone attacks. Analysts believe drones will be de-
              gapore between January and September 2016. Glob-        ployed to jam GPS signals on marine and terrestrial
              al  BEC  attacks  increased  20  percent  worldwide in   vehicles and to drop contaminated USB drives into
              2016, compared with the previous year. Businesses       critical network environments.
              that transact internationally are most vulnerable to
              these attacks, researchers stated.                Recommended remedial measures
              Charles  Lim,  Industry  Principal,  Cyber  Security   In addition to their predictions and warnings, Frost &
              practice, Frost & Sullivan, Asia Pacific, predicted that   Sullivan analysts provided salient advice and described
              BEC will be more prevalent than both ransomware   enhanced security methods for protecting critical
              and advanced persistent threat attacks throughout   infrastructures. Following are some examples of how
              Asia-Pacific in 2017. "As BECs are relatively easier to   collaborative efforts and emerging technologies can
              execute and evades cyber defense tools better than   protect against cybercrime:
              other popular attack vectors such as ransomware      •  Implement emerging technologies: Distributed
              and APTs, it can potentially be the main cyber threat   ledgers such as blockchain can be used to safely
              in Asia," he stated.                                    transmit sensitive intelligence between trusted par-

           •  Distributed denial of service (DDoS) volumetric         ties. "Blockchain may emerge as the technology to
              attacks:  DDoS  attacks caused  nationwide Internet     facilitate the exchange as it authenticates the trusted
              outages in 2016. Cyber  attackers  exploited  device    party to contribute, obfuscates the contributor's de-
              and network vulnerabilities caused by insecure net-     tail with anonymity, and offers a tamper proof sys-
              works with insufficient defenses against volumetric     tem that prevents unauthorized alteration of any
              attacks and default passwords on newly-deployed         data shared," researchers noted.
              IoT devices, triggering day-long Internet outages in   •  Share and distribute threat intelligence: The Infor-
              some areas.                                             mation Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISAC), a col-
           •  IoT entry point attacks:  Criminals used insecure       laborative effort of government and private sector
              IoT devices to gain access into numerous business       participants, is focused on creating a public forum
              networks in 2016, report authors noted. The preva-      where individuals and organizations can share in-
              lence of insecure devices and default passwords has     formation about the evolving threat landscape. Crit-
              prompted some governments to expand regulatory          ics have questioned some participants' authority,
              guidance and security standards for IoT devices, an-    warning that untrusted sources may deliberately or
              alysts noted. The authors cited a recent botnet attack   unwittingly propagate inaccurate intelligence.
              on IP cameras as an example of "how manufactur-      •  Employ enterprise-level, proactive security teams:
              ers did not include a security process of changing      Researchers  found  an  increased  number  of  enter-
              default passwords when connecting the devices to        prises committed to staying ahead of attackers by
              the Internet."                                          understanding new and evolving cyberattack tech-
           •  Ransomware attacks targeting healthcare: Health-        niques. This improved understanding will help the
              care providers were significantly disrupted by ran-     teams anticipate criminals' next moves and defend
              somware attacks in 2016. Facilities compromised by      against new attack vectors.
              infected computer systems had to reroute patients to   •  Initiate bug bounty programs: This relatively new
              other hospitals. Major healthcare providers in Asia     approach uses crowdsourcing to reward potential
              are HIPAA compliant but are vulnerable to attacks       hackers who identify a network vulnerability or
              due to their legacy infrastructures and weak secu-      "bug." By paying the hackers to find and report vul-
              rity tools, researchers noted.                          nerabilities, organizations hope that hackers will be

              Report authors noted the importance of protecting       motivated to use their talents as a force for good.
              personal healthcare data, which many criminals
              value more than credit card information, adding,   These recommendations are consistent with Frost &
              "The healthcare industry needs a good 'cyber health   Sullivan's  belief  in  innovation  as  a  core  value  and  the
              check' before it is too late."                    cornerstone  of  every  business.  "Identifying,  developing
                                                                and leveraging innovation will give your company a
           •  Drone attacks: Mainstream consumer adoption of    competitive edge and solidifies your company's long term
              drone technology has made drones affordable and   success," the company stated.

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