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                                                                AML requirements for merchant accounts

                                                                It turns out that, from an AML perspective, opening a
                                                                merchant account with a processor or acquiring bank is
                                                                not different from opening a regular checking account. In-
                                                                deed, a MID works a lot like a checking account, but with
                                                                a very specific and narrow purpose: to acquire funds from
                        Legal ease:                             payment cards and settle them to the owner of the MID.

                                                                Every person or business that opens a bank account or
                                                                MID must be screened by the bank opening the account
                                                                against SDN lists as well as other filters set out in the ap-
                                                                plicable AML program. The account-holder (for example,
                                                                merchant) must also be monitored throughout their re-
                                                                lationship with the institution and may be the subject of
                                                                suspension, termination, SAR filings or other actions by
                                                                the institution depending on their activity.
        AML for ISOs                                            AML responsibility in merchant processing

        By Adam Atlas                                           Technically, the primary legal responsibility in conven-
        Attorney at Law                                         tional credit and debit card payment processing rests with
                                                                the acquiring bank. However, as readers of The Green Sheet
                                                                know, acquiring banks outsource much of their operation-
                    oney laundering is the illegal activity of con-  al functions to processors, ISOs, payfacs and other agents.
                    cealing the origins of money or crypto and
                    facilitating its flow through legitimate banks,
        M payment processors or crypto businesses.              That outsourcing often includes imposing obligations on
        Terrorists, drug  dealers,  fraudsters  and other  criminals   agents to collect merchant IDs, verify IDs against SDN
                                                                lists, monitor merchants for suspicious activity and assist
        are always looking for ways to inject their ill-gotten or
        ill-purposed funds into the legitimate financial and crypto   in providing information that could support the filing of
                                                                a SAR.
        The purpose of this article is to give ISOs and processors   That's the technical answer. In the real world, all partici-
        an entry-level understanding and appreciation of the im-  pants in the payment processing marketplace have an ob-
                                                                ligation to participate in AML; that is what regulators and
        portance of money laundering controls and where ISOs fit
        into the fight against financial crime. Bear with me, as I   banks expect.
        must include some acronyms and legal jargon.
                                                                To be precise, when a payment facilitator (payfac) opens a
        Pursuant to the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), the U.S. Depart-  bank account through which they settle merchant settle-
        ment of the Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Net-  ment funds, in addition to the AML requirements of the
                                                                sponsoring bank, the bank where the payfac is banking
        work (FinCEN) regulates anti-money laundering (AML)
        standards for U.S. financial institutions, and the Office of   will usually require the payfac to submit its AML program
                                                                and possibly even share the report of an external auditor
        Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) publishes lists of persons
        who are prohibited by law from being served by U.S. fi-  attesting to the effectiveness of the AML program.
        nancial or other businesses (Specially Designated Nation-
        als – SDNs).                                            There was a time when processors could turn a blind eye
                                                                to the activities of their merchants. That time is over. A
                                                                handful of Federal Trade Commission cases where proces-
        All U.S. banks (including acquiring and issuing banks)   sors and ISOs have been held liable for the bad acts of their
        must comply with the standards and other requirements
        set by FinCEN, OFAC and other federal and state regula-  merchant clients has forever changed the liability of pro-
                                                                cessors and ISOs and prevents them from benefiting from
        tory agencies. They must operate pursuant to a BSA-com-
        pliant anti-money laundering program (AML Program),     the ignorance of the goings-on of their merchants.
        which is an institution-specific set of rules and procedures
        by which the institution will comply with the BSA.      This principle has migrated into AML as acquirers and
                                                                the  banks serving payfacs  impose real  AML screening
                                                                and monitoring obligations on entities that had not previ-
        Where the institution has identified suspicious activity   ously had them. If a merchant is boarded without being
        on the part of an account-holder (for example, processing
        for fraudulent merchants), the institution may file a suspi-  screened and monitored pursuant to an AML program,
                                                                someone is not doing their job.
        cious activity report (SAR) with FinCEN. FinCEN shares
        SARs with law enforcement to help them catch criminals.
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