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                                World class pay-at-table

                                   for any restaurant POS

                                                               nology can mitigate these challenges, Chu stated. For ex-
                                                               ample, smart operators can help control costs by leveraging
                                                               POS system data to forecast and plan inventory. While some
                                                               POS systems are designed to maximize cross-selling rev-
                                                               enue by limiting access to restaurant data, Copper makes
                                                               data available to operators and easy to use; this helps them
                                                               control food inventory costs, reduce food waste, and plan
                                                               better menus based on what is selling and what is not, he

                  opper, a cloud-based payment technology pro-  Chu also noted that technology can help restaurants man-
                  vider, released a pay-at-table solution designed  age costs by making payment card data simple and acces-
                  to work with nearly any type of POS system.  sible. Small and midsize restaurateurs are frequently too
        C The company said its patented technology does  busy to review their merchant statements or understand
        not require software updates or integrations and can be  the charges, or they may accept ancillary fees as cost of
        installed in minutes.                                  doing business. Unscrupulous payment providers exploit
                                                               these tendencies by packing unnecessary fees into custom-
        The  hardware-agnostic  solution is  also  compatible  with  ers' monthly statements, he added.
        all major payment processors, stated Dickson Chu, CEO
        at Copper. "We enable both dynamic QR code payments    ISO, partner benefits
        as well as wireless handheld payments for EMV compliant   Chu went on to say that Copper's solution enables ISOs
        table-side checkout," he said. "In a nutshell, Copper is faster,   and merchant level salespeople (MLSs) to sell merchant ac-
        more feature rich and less expensive than our competitors."  counts to any restaurant without relying on VARs to pro-
                                                               vide expensive POS integrations. ISOs and MLSs no longer
        Describing Copper as an Internet of Things (IoT) platform   need to waste time and money trying to convince POS VARs
        that integrates the Copper Cord physical device with the   to update systems with new merchant account details; ISOs
        cloud, Chu said Copper pay-at-table is one of many use   and MLSs can also overcome increasing threats from POS
        cases that leverages the company's technology. The solution   VARs that embed payments in their solutions and steal pro-
        runs on a curated set of hardware components, proprietary   cessing business from ISOs and agents, he said.
        firmware and custom Linux operating system, he noted.
        Seamless checkouts                                     Copper is EMV compliant and requires no POS updates,
                                                               Chu pointed out, noting that the solution also provides op-
        Chu mentioned that Copper can be installed and used in  portunities to create new recurring revenue streams with
        minutes with little to no staff training or significant chang-  features like cash discounting and credit card surcharging.
        es to existing POS systems. Copper pay-at-table supports  Real-time reporting and analytics are built into the solu-
        restaurant checkouts in two ways:                      tion, which is designed to help small and midsize operators
                                                               avoid the penalties and pitfalls of numerous payment pro-
             1. Self-service checkouts:  This contactless method   cessing systems, he stated.
             uses a QR code automatically printed on the bottom
             of the customer's final check. The customer scans the   "Copper is an affordable pay-at-the-table solution," Chu
             QR code with their mobile phone to view check de-  said, adding that the platform is continually updated, and
             tails, add a tip and pay. Copper supports all major   new enhancements are already in progress. "We developed
             card brands and digital wallets, including Apple Pay,   this technology with small, independent operators in mind,
             Google Pay and PayPal.                            yet our platform works just as well for big operations."

             2.  Server-presented  checkouts:  Servers can pass  a
             Copper-enabled wireless payment terminal to cus-
             tomers who can view their details; add a tip; and tap,       Company: Copper
             dip or swipe to close the transaction.                        Product: Copper pay-at-table
        Restaurant benefits                                                Website:

        In the current economy, it's difficult for merchants to find       Contact:
        new patrons and encourage returning customers, and tech-

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