Page 37 - GS220201
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                              Sweep the doldrums away

                     hen mid-winter arrives, people living in   Time to take action
                     cooler climes often grow weary of ice,
                     snow, sleet, biting winds and other extreme   This brings to mind a quote from Ray Kroc, who built
        W weather conditions. On top of that, in every          the McDonald's fast-food chain: "The two most important
        type of climate, COVID is hovering for the third winter in   requirements for major success are: first, being in the right
        a row. Millions of people continue to lead lives that look   place at the right time, and second, doing something about
        dramatically different than the lives they lived before the   it."
        pandemic, with far less dining out, and far fewer in-per-
        son events such as parties, concerts, workouts at the gym,   It might be more challenging to see what the right place
        trips to the mall, and more.                            and time are under today's conditions, but it is not more
                                                                challenging to take action. Something can always be done.
        Monmouth University reported that 60 percent of         Indeed, sometimes even the smallest action, like talking
        American respondents to a December 2021 survey said they   with a friend on the phone, will be uplifting enough to
        are worn out by the pandemic. "The fact that Americans   change the entire course of a day for the better.
        say they have had enough should be no surprise," said
        Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth    So if you feel the doldrums creeping in, don't waste time
        University Polling Institute. "Every time we try to adjust   stewing about it—take action. As Huffpost contributor
        to a new normal, another variant pops up to put us on   Thomas Oppong pointed out, "A decision alone changes
        guard again."                                           nothing. ... Being a Doer instead of just a Thinker requires
                                                                an insane amount of discipline and commitment. Doing
        This situation can bring on the doldrums. Originally a   involves risk, but it's the only way to make progress."
        nautical term for a region around the equator where trade
        winds meet and can cancel each other out in stillness, it   Think about Newton's first law of motion, which states
        aptly captures the lethargy and despondence people can   that an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless an
        succumb to at this time of year.                        external force acts upon it. And if an object is at rest, it will
                                                                remain at rest unless an unbalanced force acts upon it.
        "The doldrums are the shadows that keep us from
        realizing our dreams," John Cousins wrote in a post for   Let's not be akin to objects. Let's all get in motion today
        Medium. "Between the idea and the act lies the shadow. ...   and take positive actions, no matter how small. As Peter
        No action is usually the worst choice." Cousins also noted   Marshall,  a  Presbyterian  minister  who  was  appointed
        that research studies have affirmed that when people take   Chaplain of the U.S. Senate in 1946, said,  "Small deeds
        voluntary  actions  they  tend  to  feel  less  like  events  are   done are better than great deeds planned."
        happening to them and more like they are in charge.

                                                                                       Kate Gillespie, President and CEO

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