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        A win-win: Earning                                      while also  gaining  valuable insights  into the  customer's
                                                                business. Through this, the customer success team can
        revenue through                                         initiate a range of actions  that can increase  customer
                                                                spending, driving revenue for the company.
        customer success                                        Customer success characteristics

                                                                To make money for its company, a customer success team
                                                                needs to possess three main features:

                                                                    1. They must have a clear and thorough understanding
                                                                    of the customers' needs and objectives. While a
                                                                    company may sell one set of products, each customer
                                                                    has their own specific goals. The customer success
                                                                    officer needs to spend time learning about their
                                                                    client's needs and objectives.

                                                                    Once  the  officer  has  a  proper  grasp  of  what  exactly
                                                                    the customer requires and hopes to achieve, they will
                                                                    be able to provide the right solution or service by
                                                                    recommending the right mix of product features.

                                                                    2. They must be able and willing to play an advocacy
        By Duleepa Karunaratne                                      role. Providing a product or service may not reap
        Applova                                                     the expected results if customers do not make the
                                                                    necessary process-level changes. For instance, if a
              n most traditional organizational structures, the     restaurant installs a self-ordering kiosk, the expected
              sales team is usually the only revenue-generating     efficiency and increased orders will not happen unless
              unit, while other departments are considered cost     the front-of-house functions are properly reorganized
        I centers. This is not to say that these other units are    to incorporate this new technology.
        a complete drain on a company's resources—far from it.
                                                                    The customer success personnel need to consult with
        Each group has its distinct role to play and adds value to   their customer, guiding them on how to realign their
        an establishment in its own unique way. However, more       processes so as to benefit from what they have bought.
        often than not, just one team's work results in visible and
        direct revenue generation, and that is sales. It is the sales   3. They must actively market the company's offerings.
        team that courts a client, converting them from a lead to a   The sales team will likely sell a client one product
        customer, bringing in money for the company.                or service and be done with them. As the customer
                                                                    success team works with a client, they become privy
        An often overlooked and undervalued department in           to other needs or gaps that were not apparent to the
        most organizations is customer success. This unit is        members of the sales team.
        usually responsible for customer training and retention.
        Among the duties of the customer success team is            Once a requirement has been identified, the customer
        facilitating smooth onboarding of the customer. They are    success officer should recommend other offerings that
        also responsible for cultivating a close relationship with   could fulfill these, clearly describing the advantages
        customers throughout their lifecycle, guiding, advising     to the customer. Customer success personnel should
        and helping. This continuing connection has tremendous      proactively promote upgrades and new purchases as
        potential for revenue generation.                           their customer's business evolves.

        The sales and customer success teams operate in very    While each customer success agent needs to embody the
        different ways. The sales team's sole goal is lead conversion   above  qualities,  for  them  to  truly  thrive,  the  company's
        and, once the deal has been clinched, they move on to the   product offerings must be solid. The company must ensure
        next lead. The customer success team, on the other hand,   that  it has a  high-quality product suite with multiple
        works toward maintaining a long-term relationship with a   upsell and cross-sell options for the customer success
        customer. Their aim is to retain the patronage of the client,   team to promote. Consider, for instance, a quick-service
        keeping them on board for as long as possible.          restaurant. They  could start off  with web ordering and
                                                                then, as online order ahead becomes popular, they could
        The ongoing engagement with a customer puts the         upgrade to their own custom-branded mobile ordering
        customer success team in a position of privilege. They   app.
        are  able  to  win  the trust and confidence  of  a  customer

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