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November 27, 2022  •  Issue 22:11:02

                           Integrated payments are

                              here – are ISOs ready?

                                                               opportunities. Payment processing fits the bill, but building
                                                               out the technology to become a payfac is costly and time-
                                                               consuming. This, in turn, has opened up opportunities for
                                                               ISOs and their technology partners.
                                                               "It's a competition, so [ISOs and acquirers] better get mov-
                                                               ing quickly," said Vijay Sondhi, CEO of the payment pro-
                                                               cessing platform NMI.

                                                               The heart of the matter
                                                               "Software is the heart of a business," said Gary Liu, presi-
                                                               dent of the ISV/VAR channel at Bold Integrated Payments.
                                                               "And payments need to be integrated with that."

                                                               Liu understands first-hand the value proposition. He co-
                                                               created a POS system, called HotSauce, which began rolling
                                                               out to the hospitality sector in 2002. HotSauce soon began
        By Patti Murphy                                        working with ISOs for payment processing services, rev-
                                                               eling in the opportunity to collect recurring revenue from
                 o the ongoing list of threats to the ISO and agent   these deals. But there was a downside: a dearth of infor-
                 channel, add software companies. But here's the   mation in the monthly statements HotSauce received from
                 good news: ISOs and their channel partners have   these ISOs.
        T an  opportunity  to  get  in  front  of  this  threat  by
        partnering with independent software vendors (ISVs) to   "They couldn't reconcile every income item and every ex-
        integrate payment processing into their software.      pense down to the penny, down to the interchange level,"
                                                               Liu said. That's when he decided to launch his own ISO,
        "We're seeing a pretty dramatic acceleration in the sense
        of urgency ISVs have for getting payments integrated,"
        said Caleb Avery, founder and CEO at Tilled, a payfac-as-
        a-service startup based in Denver. "ISVs are increasingly   Contributed articles inside by:
        interested in working with ISOs."

        Some of these companies already integrate with payments   Ken Musante ..........................................................................................14
        company Stripe or PayPal's Braintree, Avery noted. These
        managed payment facilitators were easy to implement      Sumeet Puri ............................................................................................17
        early on, and pricing was transparent. But as businesses   Bryce Van De Moere ............................................................................19
        grow and payments volume increases, the processing fees
        (2.9 percent plus 30 cents, and 3.4 percent plus 30 cents for   Natasa Cvijanovic .................................................................................28
        manually keyed items) mount. Plus, all of the profits go to   Sascha Munger ......................................................................................30
        the payfac, which provides little to no customer service in
        return.                                                  Gary W. Glover .......................................................................................34
        At the same time, a significant number of software compa-
        nies are facing slower growth and looking for new revenue
                                                                                      Continued on page 26
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