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        "Congress could make our jobs harder and worsen risks
        to investors and to the financial system," by allowing
        traditional financial institutions to play in the crypto
        market, the White House stated. "In the past year, traditional
        financial institutions' limited exposure to cryptocurrencies
        has prevented turmoil in cryptocurrencies from infecting
        the broader financial system. It would be a grave mistake
        to enact legislation that reverses course and deepens the
        ties between cryptocurrencies and the broader financial      Association Shows:
        system."                                                             Secure Technology Alliance
        Crypto payments, for sure                                                Payments Summit
        Despite early assertions to the contrary, crypto and the    Highlights: In 2023, the Secure Technology
        underlying (blockchain) technology are not just a flash in   Alliance and its U.S. Payments Forum will host
        the pan with no implications for payments. There already    the 15th annual Payments Summit alongside the
        is plenty of interest among businesses and consumers to     Forum’s Spring Member Meeting in Salt Lake
        make payments using cryptocurrencies. In a 2022 survey      City. The industry’s premier event, the Payments
        of merchants, leading acquirer Paysafe found just 15        Summit is the most comprehensive cross-indus-
        percent of respondents don't ever expect to accept crypto   try gathering of card and payments professionals
        payments; 17 percent said they already accepted crypto      across all stakeholders.
                                                                    The event will cover all things payments in-
        Meanwhile, several ISOs now sell crypto payments as a       cluding fintech, payment technology, mobile
        lower-cost payment acceptance option for merchants.         payments, NFC, contactless, transit payments,
                                                                    mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) and more. Attend
        Crypto payments can take different forms, the most          the 15th annual Payments Summit and get the
        popular of which seem to be credit and debit cards that     insights you need to lead your organization’s
        are tied to crypto wallets. Visa said in 2022 that 80 million   payment initiatives and unlock new business
        merchants, worldwide, were accepting crypto card
        payments and that in the first quarter of 2022 cardholders   opportunities.
        made $2.5 billion in purchases using crypto-linked cards.   When: Feb. 27 – March 2, 2023
        That was about 70 percent of the company's crypto volume    Where: Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City
        for all of 2021.                                            Creek  Salt Lake City

        The  card  brands  are  stepping  up  their  crypto  activities,   Registration:
        too. Recently, Visa said its crypto team was working on a   ce3ec-e93c-4438-9f8e-c27b4eec6afe/summary
        solution that would support automatic bill payments from
        crypto wallets. "While blockchain technology and digital
        assets are still in their infancy, we're digging into these   More Show Dates:
        emerging innovations to determine how they can impact
        money movement today, and into the future," the Visa
        team wrote in a December blog post.                                          NEAA 2023
                                                                              March 29 – 30, 2023, Boston
        Mastercard introduced a Crypto Source program last
        year, intended to help financial institutions deliver secure         Smarter Faster Payments 2023
        crypto and other digital asset services to customers.                   April 16 – 19, Las Vegas
        "Our commitment is simple – to explore crypto and the                     ETA TRANSACT
        underlying digital assets technology to support consumer               April 24 – 26, 2023, Atlanta
        choice in payments," said Jorn Lambert, chief  digital
        officer at Mastercard.                                                       SEAA 2023
                                                                           June 12 – 14, 2023, Hollywood, Fla.
        Bottom line: crypto is here to stay. Some particulars still
        need to be worked out, notably how these assets will be                      MWAA 2023
        regulated. But it's here and it has found its place in the         July 19 – 20, 2023, Schaumburg, Ill.
        payments landscape.
                                                                                     WSAA 2023

        Patti Murphy is senior editor at  The Green Sheet  and self-described   October 31 – November 2, 2023
        payments maven of the fourth estate. She also co-hosts the Merchant        Carlsbad, Calif.
        Sales Podcast.

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