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Future-proof customer
experience with
industry-leading tools ISO/MLS contact:
vationCXM, formerly known as Boomtown, Guiseppi Marzelli
was established in 2014 by co-founder and Co-Founder and Director of Sales
CEO, Alfred "Chip" Kahn IV. An accomplished
O entrepreneur, Kahn is known for his deep
knowledge and expertise in technology and customer
experience management (CXM). After seeing numerous 415-599-6709
organizations struggle to meet customer expectations,
Kahn created CXMEngine, a CXM platform designed to
guide and fix customer experiences in real time. Today,
CXMEngine and its parent company OvationCXM serve platform that gets new clients live in under 90 days; and
Square, Nuvei, KeyBank, Maverick Payments, Vivid its real-time, single-access workplace view across an en-
Payments, Mainstream Merchant Services, Alviere and terprise as competitive differentiators.
other leading brands, company representatives stated. Celebrate customer success
As businesses strive to enhance their customers' experi- OvationCXM's flagship product, CXMEngine, is designed
ence, OvationCXM provides tools and technology de- to guide and fix customer experiences in the moment so
signed to ensure customers feel seen, heard, valued and companies can celebrate customer success and derive
appreciated, Kahn noted, citing the following five core financial benefits, the company stated, noting that by
principles that drive OvationCXM's culture and success: unlocking customer data visibility and enabling cross-
• Customer-first culture: OvationCXM is devoted to channel communication, the platform helps enterprises
its partners and the end-user customers they serve. deliver exceptional customer experiences. CXMEngine
• Leadership: The company embraces a culture of tak- prides itself on combining the aggregation of internal
and third-party systems, customer journey design and
ing charge, where its employees can take risks and automation tools, knowledge delivery, and multi-channel
push the envelope whether in design, innovation or communications into one seamless platform. By utilizing
execution. AI, CXMEngine instantly delivers contextually accurate
• Teamwork: OvationCXM believes in "one team, one to customers and agents at time of need, the company
fight" by celebrating collaboration. stated, adding that the service is backed by 24/7 remote
• Excellence: The company encourages teams to go support, field services and journey mapping every day
above and beyond to deliver fast results and exceed of the year.
expectations. Drive merchant retention
• Authenticity: Ovation CXM focuses on simple,
transparent communication, putting humans first "Many organizations have a gap between their heavy iron
and business second, to make it easy to connect with system of record and the dynamic interactions required
people and understand one another. to serve clients well," Kahn said. "CXMEngine allows
ISOs, MLSs, and enterprises to gain a 360-degree view
In-the-moment experience management of interactions anywhere they occur in the ecosystem —
even outside the organization — and to customize and
Led by Kahn, OvationCXM and its CXMEngine platform manage them seamlessly." Kahn went on to say that ISOs,
are rapidly expanding, with a staff of over 130 working merchant level salespeople and businesses of all sizes can
across the organization. As customer experience be- use the CXMEngine to help merchants improve operating
comes a rallying cry for enterprises, OvationCXM has costs, customer satisfaction and retention, and revenue.
seen growing demand for CXMEngine in the past year, In the ever-changing world of customer expectations,
the company stated, which inspired its rebranding from OvationCXM continues to innovate to help businesses
Boomtown to OvationCXM in 2022. The company noted stay a step ahead, while prioritizing customer-centricity,
its new name and image reflect its laser focus on cus- he added. He also invited clients and partners to look for
tomer experience management. OvationCXM mentioned new features and enhancements to the platform in the
that its partners support millions of businesses, several coming months. "OvationCXM gives companies indus-
tier-one banks and top enterprises that span retail, SaaS, try-leading tools to future-proof their CX," he said. "We
financial services and payment processing, and health- constantly enhance our platform to help clients and part-
care industries. The company further cited its ability to ners elevate customer experiences, drive revenue and re-
solve customer service issues in the moment; its no-code spond to market and competitive pressures quickly."