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                              StreetSmarts                                                SM

                        Accept no and get closer to yes

        By Natasa Cvijanovic                                     Ask follow-up questions
        Tesla Payments                                           If I'm selling and a prospect says no, I always ask about
                                                                 their objections. I'll say, "Thank you for taking the time to
                   o matter who you are or how long you've       listen. What about the product or service didn't work for
                   been in our industry, receiving a no instead   you?" or "What feature of the product or service did not
                   of a yes is difficult. However, rejection is a   meet your expectations?" And if I have a solid rebuttal
        N temporary setback and often just a detour to           to their objection(s), I'll throw it out there and see what
        something better. You must learn to accept it gracefully   happens. If they continue to reject my efforts, it is time for
        and adjust quickly.                                      me to move on.

        What  is  your reaction  when  you  receive a  no? Do  you   By disregarding your prospects' objections or making it
        ignore the prospect's wishes and keep selling to them, or   impossible for them to say no, you risk alienating them
        do you accept their rejection and attempt to connect and   and hurting your chances of doing future business with
        build a relationship with them in another way?           them. Consequently, time, effort and resources that could
        Ditch bad advice                                         have been devoted to other opportunities are lost.

        We've all heard the occasional salesperson proclaim,     Play the long game
        "Never take no for an answer." And this approach is still   Instead, be patient; don't give up. A prospect's answer isn't
        being fed to sales trainees across multiple industries   always final. How you handle it can affect your future
        despite the fact that it's terrible advice—and some      relationship with them. Sometimes no means no forever.
        salespeople aim to live by it.                           That's fine. Take the time to improve your pitch, build an
                                                                 extensive network and learn more about your customers'
        When salespeople attempt to achieve such an              needs.
        unreasonable objective, they often go too far. I'm referring
        to the defining moment when one goes from being a        Taking no for an answer can have many benefits and is
        professional,  confident  salesperson  who  is  passionate   sometimes the best option. Typically no one expects a
        about their products to being an obnoxious, arrogant     salesperson to be reasonable or understanding. It's the
        hustler who will stop at nothing to get a sale.          nature of the sales industry, and it's nothing personal.
                                                                 Prospective buyers are conditioned to anticipate being
        Not taking no for an answer may have worked years        manipulated during the sales process. They are waiting
        ago, but selling in today's business environment is more   for you to use every trick in the book to ignore their no.
        complex. Prospects are savvier.  Constantly  pursuing
        yes, ignoring the possibility that your product or service   Don't be that salesperson everyone despises when they
        may not be the best fit, and refusing to accept no will   see your phone number calling. It reflects poorly on your
        undoubtedly result in rejection.                         product, service and company. You'll get a bad name if
                                                                 you don't take no's seriously.
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