Page 30 - GS230201
P. 30


        Retail technology trends                                                   bringing in POS terminals and the

                                                                                   first microprocessor cash register.
        in the new year                                                            On the right side of the microproces-
                                                                                   sor was a swipe slot for customers to
                                                                                   swipe their cards when paying for
        By Elie Y. Katz                                                            the transaction; there was also a PIN
                                                                                   pad where they could enter their card
        National Retail Solutions                                                  information.

                  s the new year proceeds, retailers are looking for ways to improve   Fast forward to the 1990s and 2000s,
                  their customers' shopping experiences.  A critical factor in this is   when the POS system evolved to be-
                  finding ways to leverage technology and upgrade their stores to   come more than just an instrument
        A create personalized shopping experiences that better meet customer       for  completing  a  sales  transaction.
        needs. To attract more customers, they must research how they can upgrade   POS systems shifted toward becom-
        their stores, find the best point-of-sale systems, utilize delivery services, and   ing cloud-based, transforming how
        become more environmentally conscious.                                     users accessed their data. The data

        How the POS system has changed over the years                              can now be accessed from any device
                                                                                   connected to the cloud software.
        As the world changes, so does technology and how we interact with it. For
        instance, the point-of-sale system has constantly evolved since it was invented   Today, modern POS systems have in-
        in 1879, when it was referred to as a "cash register," recording transactions with   tegrated systems such as inventory
        mechanical keys. It wasn’t until 1973 that the first computer-driven POS system   management, camera integration, to-
        was introduced to society. Back then, customers who used credit cards had a   bacco scan data, ID scanning for age
        harder time paying when there was no microprocessor around, and they had   verification, employee time clocks,
        to manually input their information.                                       customer tabs, ecommerce, loyalty
                                                                                   programs, and so forth. These sys-
        With many consumers using credit cards to make purchases, the POS system   tems can be controlled from any de-
        and credit cards formed a convenient marriage. In 1984, McDonald’s started   vice, anytime, anywhere. With tech-
                                                                                   nology continuing to advance, devel-
                                                                                   opers will create more programs to
                                                                                   assist business owners in moderniz-
                                                                                   ing and improving their stores in the
                                                                                   coming years.
                                                                                   Contactless credit card processing

                                                                                   In 2005, contactless credit card pro-
                                                                                   cessing was introduced in the United
                                                                                   States, which has changed how peo-
                                                                                   ple shop in stores by providing a more
                                                                                   secure and convenient way to pay for
                                                                                   goods.  Credit  cards  have  surpassed
                                                                                   cash as a preferred payment method,
                                                                                   and it is predicted that by 2030, more
                                                                                   than 1.25 billion people will be using
                                                                                   credit cards (see

                                                                                   Since the pandemic, shopping online
                                                                                   has become increasingly popular,
                                                                                   and so have in-store contactless pay-
                                                                                   ments. Many people were weary of
                                                                                   touching microprocessors and leav-
                                                                                   ing their homes to shop. However,
                                                                                   many people like using credit cards
                                                                                   because of the convenience, the fact
                                                                                   that they prevent fraud, and the dis-
                                                                                   counts and perks associated with
                                                                                   them. As a result, using credit cards
                                                                                   as a form of payment is here to stay
                                                                                   and will continue to be so in the fu-
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