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        Smash the old stereotype                                    Sometimes no means no forever.

        Rather than giving the prospect what they expect,        That's fine. Take the time to improve
        consider surprising them by accepting their no. Your lack     your pitch, build an extensive
        of defensiveness immediately changes their image of who
        you are and what you want.                                network and learn more about your
                                                                              customers' needs.
        It's counterintuitive, but graciously accepting no from a
        prospect the first time around may lead to more yeses in
        the future. Recognize and accept that they're not interested
        at the moment, but politely ask to follow up later.     It's important to determine which prospects will never
                                                                become customers. Stop wasting time with people you
        Agreeing to a future conversation is enough; no specific   know won't buy your product or service and focus on
        time or date needs to be decided. Since you started     connecting with those who you believe will. Take both
        your relationship with respect and positivity instead of   yes and no answers. It’s the maybes that actually cause
        manipulation and being pushy, they will likely want to   problems.
        talk to you again.                                      Natasa Cvijanovic, co-founder and CEO of Tesla Payments and member
        Stop wasting time                                       of the SEAA advisory committee, has a proven track record within the
                                                                payment industry of cultivating successful relationships with ISOs, MLSs
        Consider this: Salespeople wouldn't be needed if prospects   and strategic partners. In developing national sales channels, she pro-
        said yes all the time. Prospective clients constantly say no,   vides training and coaching to sales partners to enable them to become
        which is why salespeople have jobs. Remember, as long   better business partners and advocates for their merchants, and to assist
        as you have done your job, every no brings you closer to   them in building portfolios producing steady residual streams. She is
        a yes.                                                  also dedicated to consistently delivering high levels of professionalism,
                                                                integrity, dependability and trustworthiness. Contact her at natasa@
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