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        That is why many business owners      Going green
        are now purchasing a POS system
        compatible with a credit card reader   When customers place their orders, it is best to use biodegradable or recyclable
        to  seamlessly  take  customer  pay-  bags, utensils and straws. Many states are now making it illegal to use all
        ments. Now, many POS systems ac-      plastic items. And regardless of where a business is located, it is always a good
        cept more than just major credit card   idea to follow state law. However, if no state laws govern where a business may
        companies and accept EBT, EMV, Ap-    be located, being more environmentally friendly has become trendy.
        ple Pay, Google Pay, etc.
                                              So encourage your merchants to inform customers about their commitment to
        This provides customers with more     being more environmentally conscious. Restaurant owners, for example, can
        payment options and increases the     purchase recyclable and biodegradable restaurant supplies that clearly state
        likelihood  of customer  satisfaction,   that they are environmentally friendly. When ringing up customers, give them
        as they have more ways to complete    the option of receiving their receipt via email or text rather than printing it.
        a purchase. Businesses that accept
        credit  cards online and  in person   To keep up with customer demand and remain competitive in the marketplace,
        can reach a larger consumer base, in-  store  owners  should  strive  to  stay  ahead  of  the  curve  when  it  comes  to
        creasing their profit margins, which   developing trends. That is why it is critical to constantly research what new
        can help them in the long run.        retail trends are emerging each year.

        Delivery services                     Of course, useful trends will continue to be popular for many years to come, but
                                              store owners can always develop them further. It is possible that by expanding
        Online food delivery also soared      on these trends and using more creativity to promote a business, a company
        through the pandemic, and the mar-    will look more successful than its competitors ever did. So, start researching,
        ket is expected to grow to $266.05    planning to help your merchant customers implement these trends and
        billion from 2023 to 2027 (see  www.  strategies today.
                                              Elie Y. Katz is founder, president and CEO at National Retail Solutions (NRS),
        Approximately 60 percent of cus-      Contact him by phone at 201-715-5179 or by email at
        tomers prefer to order takeout rather
        than dine in; many customers find
        ordering online more convenient and
        love that they can get more discounts
        when ordering online.

        Food delivery services like Door-
        Dash, Instacart, Caviar, GrubHub
        and UberEats notify customers when
        their food is ready, picked up, and
        delivered to their door. These apps      DON’T DREAM OF IT,
        show when a customer receives their
        food, whereas there is no way to pre-
        dict when they will receive their food             TRAIN FOR IT!
        in a restaurant. Customers no longer
        have to wait hours in restaurants for
        food, revolutionizing the food indus-
        try.                                               ACH • LEVEL III • EMV

        Business owners should take advan-                    WEB • RECURRING
        tage of this opportunity and offer
        these services to customers. Offer-
        ing these services can lead to more                     CASH DISCOUNT
        customers, a stronger online pres-
        ence and higher revenue. Not only                 CUSTOMER DATABASE
        that,  but  doing  so  can be  beneficial
        for people who do not have enough
        time to shop or are medically unable
        to go out to eat. These people can find              C A L L   F O R   T R A I N I N G
        the store from wherever they are, and
        who knows? They might become re-                       8 0 0 - 2 9 6 - 4 8 1 0
        peat customers.

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