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        What you can do to                                      150,000 sites today are suspected of promoting or

                                                                displaying acts of illegal sexual exploitation.
        stop human traffickers                                  This data is based on machine learning algorithms that

                                                                assess different properties of websites to determine their
        in the digital age                                      content classification. The  UN  report  also  noted that
                                                                48  percent  of trafficking cases  between  2015 and 2018

                                                                web pages for advertisements.
        By Maya Shabi                                           involved the use of free-standing web pages or classified
        EverC                                                   The internet has also broadened the geographical scope
                   uman trafficking has exponentially risen in the   of traffickers´ operations, helping them operate across
                   United States in the past decade. According to   borders and in multiple locations at the same time—all
                   the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (see https://  while physically exploiting the victims in a single location.
        H,  the  number of persons pros-        How traffickers pose as legitimate businesses
        ecuted for human trafficking increased 84 percent from
        2011 to 2020. A total of 2,198 persons were referred to U.S.   Traffickers have creative ways to introduce their revenue
        Attorneys for human trafficking offenses in the 2020 fiscal   back into the financial system as if it were legitimate clean
        year alone.                                             money. This is commonly referred to as money laundering
                                                                or transaction laundering when performed online.
        Human trafficking has not only increased but gotten
        more sophisticated as technology advances and becomes   In its advisory on human trafficking (see  https://bit.
        more complex. Today, traffickers take advantage of digital   ly/3wAjQYl), the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
        payment processing, regulatory loopholes and fraudulent   (FinCen) introduced four new human trafficking
        practices to commit crimes.                             typologies. These explain the evolving techniques
                                                                traffickers are using to evade detection.
        Following the first National Human Trafficking
        Awareness Month, January 2023, here's an overview of        • Front companies – Fictitious companies used to
        how traffickers monetize their offenses and what banks,       cover illegal practices
        payment providers and acquirers should do to stop it.
                                                                    • Exploitive employment practices – Exploitative
        What does human trafficking look like?                        employment schemes, such as visa fraud and wage
                                                                      retention, used by seemingly legitimate businesses
        Traffickers use force, fraud or coercion to lure their victims   to amass profit
        and force them into labor, commercial sexual exploitation
        or illegal activities. These criminals look for victims     • Funnel accounts – Accounts used to launder money
        who are susceptible for a variety of reasons, including       between intermediaries to fund unlawful activities
        psychological or emotional vulnerability, economic
        hardship, lack of a social safety net, natural disasters or   • Alternative payments – Payment methods such as
        political instability. Often, language barriers, fear of their   cash, credit cards, prepaid cards and convertible
        traffickers and/or fear of law enforcement keep victims       virtual currency
        from seeking help.
                                                                Traffickers exploit regulatory
        According to the UN’s social and economic watchdog, the   gaps to process payments
        International Labor Organization, the profit from human   In particular, the use of alternative payments is incredibly
        trafficking is calculated to be $150 billion per year. This   concerning for banks, acquirers and payment providers.
        money finds its way back into financial and payment
        systems, allowing the criminals and perpetrators to enjoy   Traffickers use third-party payment processors (TPPPs)
        the success of their criminal acts, encouraging them to   to wire funds, which gives the appearance that the TPPP
        continue, and even expand.                              is the originator. TPPPs are firms that act as a payment
        Traffickers use the internet in growing numbers         processor to facilitate payments through a clearance and
                                                                settlement system by a written agreement with the seller.
        The internet and digital technologies are increasingly used   In some instances, these vehicles aggregate high-risk
        to facilitate trafficking. In fact, the  United Nations Office   merchant customers that are unable to obtain banking
        on Drugs and Crime reported that since 2009, the share of   services directly.
        victims trafficked using a form of social media has grown
        from zero to 51 percent.                                Currently, TPPPs are excluded from the definition of
                                                                money transmitters and are therefore not subject to
        Illegal content  is being  displayed  in  plain  sight on the   the rigorous anti-money-laundering and customer due
        internet. Our proprietary data reveals that approximately   diligence obligations of the Bank Secrecy Act. FinCEN

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