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The one man show: Aligning with your UVP

If you haven't already done so, please
Selecting ISO partners check out my article from issue
15:07:01 to understand how to arrive
By John Tucker at your UVP. It is what will set you
apart in the marketplace, determine
1st Capital Loans LLC your mission statement, allow you to
make return on investment forecasts
he youngest winner (ever) of the Nobel Peace Prize, Malala and determine the markets you are
Yousafzai, just celebrated her 18th birthday July 12, 2015. She once going to serve.
made a very good statement: "Let us remember that one book, one
T pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world." If Malala Your UVP should answer the
would allow me the honor of adapting her quote solely for this article, I would following inquiry: understanding
say, "Let us remember that one person can change the world." I believe every the generic marketplace, what will I
change within the world starts with one man or woman. specifically bring to the segment that
isn't already being provided by the
My objective in writing this series of articles is to provide a transparent discussion current crop of solution providers?
on the various issues that a guy, or a girl, would juggle while operating as a one Once you identify your market
man or one woman show within the payments industry. In my initial article, segment, carefully examine all of the
"The one man show: Strategic business planning," The Green Sheet, July 13, 2015, current solutions providers serving
issue 15:07:01, I began a discussion on strategic business planning that outlined that market segment to figure out
the construction of your unique value proposition (UVP). For this article, I how they are doing it now. Then
will continue deliberating on strategic business planning by outlining how to determine how you will do it better.
efficiently select your ISO partner or partners.
The next step in strategic business
planning is to select your ISO
partner or partners. I've noticed that
merchant level salespeople (MLSs)
tend to make inquiries structured
along the following lines: Which of
the following ISOs are the best ISOs
to work with? Which one of them
should I choose? The agents then
list potential ISO partners by name
and include whatever free terminal,
upfront conversion bonus, no-
transaction-fee promo or other agent
recruiting offers each ISO advertises.

The issue with this method is that –
assuming the vast majority of ISOs
in the market strive to be ethical,
transparent and to do what's right for
their merchants, staff and external
agents – the MLSs are approaching
the question in a generic manner
rather than with a concentration tied
to a strategic business plan. The best
ISO partners in the market for you
will always be the ones that best align
with your UVP.
Learning how to screen
So, for example, let's say you decide
to specialize in POS systems for the
restaurant sector within a particular
state or region. Your UVP would be
centered on providing innovative

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