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of ISOs, payment gateways and value-
Company: Snapcard Inc. added service providers have integrated
Snapcard's technology platform into their
Product: Snapcard products and services.
Contact: One such company is Singapore-based
Alpha Payments Cloud, which has
leveraged Snapcard functionality to
Global payments, Snapcard's simplified pricing eliminates monthly
enable clients to accept digital currencies.
charges and setup fees. Payees receive funds instantly
localized currencies and transparently, paying no additional transaction fees,
Snapcard said.

Digital gifting platforms use Snapcard in marketing,
napcard Inc. is a registered money service loyalty and employee incentive programs. Recipients can
business headquartered in San Francisco, with select rewards in their native countries, using their own
additional offices in Australia and Canada. local currencies. Companies that have partnered with
S Established in 2013, the company is focused Snapcard to incorporate digital currencies into their gift,
on improving efficiencies and eliminating friction in the rewards and loyalty programs include Ifeelgoods, a digital
acceptance, processing and use of digital currencies. gifting platform with offices in Palo Alto, Calif. and Paris;
Seattle-based Tango Card Inc.; and International Payout
An estimated 14 million people use digital currencies Systems Inc., which has offices in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.,
worldwide, and adoption is increasing. Snapcard's suite of London and Panama City, Panama.
products and services is designed to simplify and expedite
digital currency acceptance. Snapcard's digital wallet Cross-border payments simplified
supports bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin and other popular
alternative currencies. The company offers ongoing The Snapcard MassPay API enables users to send cross-
education and online support to its partners in an effort to border payments to a phone number or email address
demystify emerging payment schemes. anywhere in the world. Recipients can withdraw the funds
in bitcoin or in their local fiat currencies for a small fee.
"[We] understand that with a new payment method like
bitcoin, it's important to stay involved in the educational "MassPay enables big enterprises operating at a global
process," said Snapcard Chief Executive Officer Michael level to pay thousands of users or employees in their local
Dunworth. currencies using bitcoin as a rail," said Jack Jia, Snapcard
Operations Manager. "Cross-border transfers can be
Easy integration, user experience completed instantly around the world, bypassing the
banking system and solving complex accounting issues."
Merchants can use Snapcard's digital toolkit and Merchant
API to integrate digital payments into their businesses. Jia noted that the service can be automated, enabling users
The automated process creates a merchant account linked to schedule one-time and reoccurring mass payments to a
to a settlement bank. A merchant dashboard includes list of users or contractors.
analytics that can be used to monitor transactions and
payments. The secure web portal runs over an encrypted A timely solution for a new global market
secure sockets layer.
Jia proposed that marketplace companies, such as Uber
The company noted that the Snapcard user experience and AirBnB, that don't own their assets and leverage supply
is similar to that of online banking, and Snapcard wallet and demand, are perfect candidates for digital currency
users can acquire bitcoin without bitcoin mining. The usage. Many of their payment models include taxi fares
closed-loop system requires a user name, password and and tips that require more customization than generic
TouchID technology to securely authenticate the user and payment schemes. He noted that bitcoin transactions are
complete a transaction, Snapcard added. flexible, offering multiple redemption options. "I can drink
a coke, get points and redeem those points for iTunes or
Partnerships, white label solutions bitcoin or have them directly converted into U.S. dollars,"
Jia said.
Snapcard offers a Brand Ambassador Program and
white-label options to ISOs and acquirers. The company "When consumers fully understand the benefits of bitcoin
noted that it helps channel partners educate merchants and other digital currencies, we'll be able to achieve a
on digital currency acceptance, and a growing number complete eco-solution," Jia said.

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