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Experienced, results-driven
merchant finance partner
inova Capital was launched in 2021 in Rochelle
Park, N.J., by the team that previously man-
aged First Data Global Leasing and Ascentium
F Capital Merchant Finance. Led by Bob Neagle,
Finova's president and CEO, the founding members
sought to create simpler, faster funding solutions to help ISO/MLS contact:
small and midsize companies grow.
Bob Neagle
"We believe small businesses are the backbone of the President and CEO
economy," Neagle said. "That's why our team is commit-
ted to giving merchants the experience they deserve, with
a wide range of financing options and simpler, faster so- 551-228-2100
lutions to help them grow."
Neagle noted that Finova Capital's ISO and processor part-
ners share the same core values, which he summarized as In the past 15 years, in addition to providing services and
a forward-thinking mentality, desire to help small busi- support to major payment card processors in the United
nesses succeed and a commitment to long-term success. States, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, the company
The company is committed to a seamless, integrated, dig- has supported its nearly 1 million merchants through
ital experience for ISO partners and leverages a unique multiple product and service offerings, which include
partner platform that creates new levels o financing and POS equipment financing and rentals, merchant cash
operational efficiency, he added. advances, working capital loans and term loans, Neagle
Experienced leadership
Finova leaders bring more than 50 years of combined "We may be a young company but our experience runs
finance experience to merchant acquirers and the pay- deep, and we understand the credit profiles of the vari-
ments industry, Neagle stated, adding that they know ety of small businesses we serve," Neagle said. "Our ISO
what small businesses and startups need and what it partners share our vision of long-term growth and un-
takes for processors and ISOs to perform. derstand that joint ventures with a rock-solid partner like
Finova result in success for ISO partners and merchants
Neagle commended his company's 20 employees and se- alike."
nior executives for their friendly, spirited work ethic and Partner-centric growth
focus on providing simple, fast-growth, small-business
financing. Company leaders include Bryan Brouillard, Neagle went on to say that working with Finova gives ISO
chief risk officer; Waqas Sattar, chief operations officer; partners peace of mind, which enables them to get more
and Lisa Fitzgerald, senior vice president, technology. business done faster, with superior product offerings and
dedicated support from a trusted merchant finance pro-
"Finova has provided financing to close to a million mer- vider. The Finova team's deep small-business lending and
chants in the United States, Canada and EMEA in recent financing experience gives them the flexibility and inge-
years," Neagle said. "We're experienced, knowledgeable, nuity to design creative offers that get results and boost
and easy to work with and we value transparency in all conversion rates, he added.
partner and merchant interactions."
According to Neagle, most merchant financing is unso-
Proven technology phisticated, and most merchants are underserved, which
Having weathered multiple economic cycles, Finova is why Finova Capital is partnering with forward-think-
brings deep finance experience, knowledgeable support ing ISOs and processors to deliver the right solutions to
and unparalleled merchant scoring capabilities, as well the right businesses.
as financing tools designed to enhance efficiency, trans-
parency and trust, Neagle stated. Product and service of- "As we build more partnerships with merchant acquirers,
ferings include a full product suite, a superior front and we look forward to spurring growth for ISOs, processors
back-end technology platform, a dedicated customer ser- and merchants alike, which is what we call a win/win/
vice team, and an integrated dashboard that makes doing win," Neagle said. "From there, we intend to evolve our
business with us fast, easy and enjoyable, he added. portfolio of merchant finance products, continually ex-
panding opportunity in this exciting space."