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        Credentials come in myriad form factors, which could be a   Multi-device credential
        physical token, biometric data, knowledge, a shared secret
        or combination of these things. "We use presented creden-  Authenticating from personal devices has become the
        tials to authenticate users – meaning if the credentials are   norm for consumers around the world, but what happens
        valid, we are satisfied that both parties are who they say   when the user replaces a phone or laptop that serves as a
        they are," Deignan said.                                login credential? A March 2022 white paper by the FIDO
                                                                Alliance,  How FIDO Addresses a Full Range of Use Cases,
        Multi-factor authentication, zero trust access          introduced a multi-device authentication capability that
                                                                facilitates secure logins across multiple channels. With
        Jeremiah Mason, senior vice president, head of product,   this solution, users with new devices would no longer, has seen large and small businesses step up se-  have to buy a security key or fall back to a less secure,
        curity measures and increase their use of multi-factor au-  non-FIDO authentication method, researchers proposed.
        thentication, which requires individuals to use two differ-
        ent credentials when logging in to a website, mobile app   "We believe that the syncing of FIDO credentials, together
        or connected resource. "Since the onset of the pandemic,   with the Bluetooth alternative, allows FIDO authentication
        and spurred by a recent White House mandate, enterpris-  to not only be a suitable alternative for existing two-factor
        es and federal agencies are abandoning legacy-based cy-  deployments, but for the first time, be a viable solution for
        bersecurity tools and protocols in favor of more advanced,   use cases where deployments of two-factor authentication
        proactive cyber-defense alternatives," he said.         methods have proven difficult, and where consequently
                                                                consumers are stuck with passwords," FIDO researchers
        Mason maintained that organizations could harden secu-  wrote.  "This  approach reflects an  evolutionary step
        rity by replacing inherent trust with a zero trust access   in the FIDO ecosystem, delivering phishing-resistant
        (ZTA) approach. ZTA assumes all traffic is hostile and   authentication at a scale that rivals that of password-based
        grants access on a need-to-know basis, which creates an   authentication deployments."
        immutable audit trail of authorized user access and helps
        reduce risks and threats across an enterprise, he stated.   The FIDO Alliance was established in 2012 to drive
                                                                simpler, stronger authentication methods through an
        "Additionally, in the midst of heightened geopolitical   open, scalable, interoperable framework that reduces
        conflict and nation-state sponsored cyberattacks, we are   reliance on passwords. The organization has made
        seeing companies either thinking about implementing     significant progress over the past decade toward its goal
        or  implementing  MFA  on  a  broader  basis  by  removing   of creating stronger, private, easier ways to securely access
        passwords from MFA workflows to reduce the risk of a    online services, FIDO representatives stated.
        compromise," Mason said. "The movement towards pass-
        wordless MFA, which removes a shared secret from the    Passwordless journey
        workflow, also supports ZTA."
                                                                The passwordless journey can be challenging for global
        Device integrity                                        brands tasked with implementing advanced technologies
                                                                across multiple regions and regulatory landscapes while
        From Mason's perspective, authenticating individual us-  striving to deliver a consistent customer experience. This
        ers as they log in to websites and apps is not enough; their   topic was explored at FIDO's March 2022 Authenticate
        devices must also be authenticated. Fortunately, decision-  Summit, a virtual event featuring leading ecommerce and
        makers realize this and are propelling the market forward   security experts.
        to more secure cyber standards and practices, he noted.
                                                                Manish Gupta, director of global security at Starbucks,
        Deignan agreed, stating the device that is used to conduct   described authentication as  a platform that  offers
        a transaction must be authenticated so that a relying party   unlimited potential through its deep connection with end-
        can recognize if a clone or altered device has been inserted   users.
        into the mix to harvest payment data or redirect it to unau-
        thorized parties. "Terminals these days come in all shapes   "You could combine authentication with other technologies
        and sizes," he said. "Even a tablet or a mobile phone can be   to make it an enabler for ecommerce or for socioeconomic
        a payment device. This variety makes authentication even   efforts, or as a protector when viewed from a cybersecurity
        more difficult but necessary."                          lens, or a key component of digital transformation," Gupta
                                                                said. "The possibilities seem endless when you think of
        Payment transactions require a combination of security   what we can do. Let's continue to maintain the right balance
        measures, Deignan added, stating it's not enough to just   of usability, communication, branding, and security; and
        approve a payment, nor is it sufficient to just encrypt pay-  let's extend our thinking to the full end-user experience
        ment data. "Encryption scrambles valid data and counter-  and not just pigeonhole ourselves to authentication."
        feit or fraudulent data equally well," he said. "And tokens
        are great, but not a silver bullet, because if you can't au-  Agreeing that the FIDO Alliance has made significant
        thenticate a transaction, even if it's 'approved,' you can't   progress in driving standardization, interoperability and
        trust it."
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